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Terrain Diffuse Texture issue


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When importing a diffuse texture, the refined resolution will never show up for the Terrain.

It always stays on some kind of low resolution.

The single texture do show the correct resolution.

As well the setting to refine the texture doenst has any influence. (changing the resolution e.g. from 1024 to 4096)

I imported it now several times and I get no result.


Sometimes it doesnt take the changes at all, sometimes only the coarse texture etc.... strange.




I tested on further and made a comparison between U1 and U2 Terrain:


Both Terrains use the same settings. The texture resolution of a tile is the same and the coarse resolution as well.

(The coloring comes from the scattering).


Unigine 2 version looks low res compared to the Unigine 1 version.


Has there changes made while the textures are imported? Is there a different compression method for the dds?

I really cant figure that out but it is visually different.





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Hi Werner,

We've added this issue to our internal bug tracker.
For now as a workaround you can use landscape plugin for import textures.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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The thing is, that I cant really import the heights of the terrain again as I dont know the heightvalue.


I will check the plugin.

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Somehow the mask import has some issues (at least here).

It take aages to import a mask.

I have a single 16K mask which I split into 16x16x1k parts (1024 textures size). 4 channels.

It takes so long to generate. (almost 30 minutes).


In U1 it was in very quickly.

Can I optimize the import process? Is this normal because of the new system.


The Lag selecting the terrain must have something to do with the import.

As long as I dont touch the import part of the terrain, everything is fine and fast.

But then the issues emerge.



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