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[SOLVED] New Player-derived Class through API


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We are trying to create a new sub-class of Player but can't seem to get it done through the API. For reference, the new Player class would be a combination of PlayerActor and PlayerSpectator, where users could switch between 'walking' and 'flying' with a button press.


I started with the example from the documentation (https://developer.unigine.com/en/docs/1.0/cpp_api/application) and added a new class successfully, just to test the C++ API implementation. But in trying to create a new class as an extension from Player caused a lot of problems, even though I am still just trying to mirror the exact functionality of PlayerDummy or PlayerSpectator. 


Here is the header file for PlayerGhost, to show the current approach




#include <UnigineEngine.h>
#include <UnigineMathLib.h>
#include <UnigineWorld.h>
#include <UniginePlayer.h>
#include <UniginePlayerDummy.h>
#include <UnigineNode.h>
#include <vector>
#include "PlayerGhostInterface.h"
class PlayerGhost : public Unigine::PlayerDummy
template <class> friend class Unigine::Ptr;
virtual ~PlayerGhost();
std::vector<Unigine::NodePtr> nodes;
Unigine::NodePtr create_node(const char *name, const UNIGINE_MAT4 &transform);
void remove_node(Unigine::NodePtr node);
// copy player
PlayerGhost *copy(PlayerGhost *node) const;
mutable Unigine::vec3 direction;
::PlayerGhost *player;
void player_init();
void player_shutdown();
static Unigine::Ptr<PlayerGhost> create(const Unigine::NodePtr &node);
virtual Unigine::PlayerPtr getPlayer() const;
virtual void setViewportMask(int mask) const;
virtual int getViewportMask() const;
virtual void setReflectionMask(int mask) const;
virtual int getReflectionMask() const;
virtual void setSourceMask(int mask) const;
virtual int getSourceMask() const;
virtual void setReverbMask(int mask) const;
virtual int getReverbMask() const;
virtual void setFov(float fov) const;
virtual float getFov() const;
virtual void setZNear(float znear) const;
virtual float getZNear() const;
virtual void setZFar(float zfar) const;
virtual float getZFar() const;
virtual void setProjection(const Unigine::mat4 &projection) const;
virtual Unigine::mat4 getProjection() const;
virtual void setSProjection(const Unigine::mat4 &sprojection) const;
virtual Unigine::mat4 getSProjection() const;
virtual void setModelview(const UNIGINE_MAT4 &modelview) const;
virtual UNIGINE_MAT4 getModelview() const;
virtual UNIGINE_MAT4 getIModelview() const;
virtual void setOldModelview(const UNIGINE_MAT4 &modelview) const;
virtual UNIGINE_MAT4 getOldModelview() const;
virtual void setUp(const Unigine::vec3 &up) const;
virtual Unigine::vec3 getUp() const;
virtual void setView(const Unigine::vec3 &view) const;
virtual Unigine::vec3 getView() const;
virtual void setOffset(const Unigine::mat4 &offset) const;
virtual Unigine::mat4 getOffset() const;
virtual void setVelocity(const Unigine::vec3 &velocity) const;
virtual Unigine::vec3 getVelocity() const;
virtual void setPostMaterials(const char *materials) const;
virtual const char *getPostMaterials() const;
virtual void setControlled(int controlled) const;
virtual int isControlled() const;
virtual void setControls(const Unigine::ControlsPtr &controls) const;
virtual Unigine::ControlsPtr getControls() const;
virtual void updateControls(float ifps) const;
virtual void flushTransform() const;
* PlayerDummy smart pointer.
typedef Unigine::Ptr<PlayerGhost> PlayerGhostPtr;


You can see the attempt mimic some of the internal Player-derived classes but there seems to be a barrier on the create function, which works off of the internal-only PlayerInterface class.


For example: 


Unigine::Ptr<PlayerGhost> PlayerGhost::create(const Unigine::NodePtr &n)

//Node *node = Unigine::GetNodeInterface(n.get());
if (n.get() == NULL || n->isPlayer() == 0) return PlayerGhostPtr();
return PlayerGhostPtr(new PlayerInterface(static_cast< Unigine::Player*>(node), 0));


But PlayerInterface is totally inaccessible so I don't know what I should be doing instead. Is there a way to accomplish this with the C++ API that I am not understanding? Or would we need to make modifications inside the engine source and re-compile (we really don't want to do this if at all possible!!)?


Help is greatly appreciated! 


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Hi, Taylor.


When you subclass from Unigine::PlayerDummy, you only subclass from wrapper. You can create a trully Player-derived class only inside engine and make a wrapper to it.

Or you can do the following:

static Unigine::Ptr<PlayerGhost> create(const Unigine::NodePtr &node) {
        //Node *node = Unigine::GetNodeInterface(n.get());
        if (node.get() == NULL || node->isPlayer() == 0) return PlayerGhostPtr();
        return create(PlayerDummy::create(node));

    static Unigine::Ptr<PlayerGhost> create(const Unigine::PlayerDummyPtr &player) {
        return Ptr<PlayerGhost>(static_cast<PlayerGhost*>(player.get()));
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Thanks for the assistance! I have been working with this all day and still can't find a way through.


For the create functions, I have updated them to

Unigine::Ptr<PlayerGhost> PlayerGhost::create(const Unigine::PlayerDummyPtr &player) {

PlayerGhost * pGhost = static_cast<PlayerGhost*>(player.get());
return Unigine::Ptr<PlayerGhost>(pGhost);
Unigine::Ptr<PlayerGhost> PlayerGhost::create(const Unigine::NodePtr &node) {
Unigine::PlayerDummyPtr pDummy = PlayerDummy::create(node);
PlayerGhost * pGhost = static_cast<PlayerGhost*>(pDummy.get());
return Unigine::Ptr<PlayerGhost>(pGhost);


And the creation event logic is 

NodePtr pNode = NodeDummy::create()->getNode();

PlayerDummyPtr pDummy = PlayerDummy::create(pNode);
pPlayer = PlayerGhost::create(pDummy);


All of this compiles and runs, but a Null Pointer assert gets tripped every time pPlayer is accessed. Any ideas? From all my tests today, it looks like the problem is with the use of static_cast...

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Hi, Taylor.


You have a pDummy = NULL, because PlayerDummy::create() method expectes only a ::PlayerDummy argument, not ::NodeDummy.

The following code creates pPlayer

PlayerDummyPtr pDummy = PlayerDummy::create();
PlayerGhostPtr pPlayer = PlayerGhost::create(pDummy);
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the help. We found that the problem was in the creation logic, the PlayerDummyPtr needed to be a class variable, as the new Player still contained that pointer and it was being destroyed after the creation event completed.


But we also learned that the C++ API is probably not the best way to create a new 'player' class. Instead, we will be starting a new one through UnigineScript only


Thanks again!

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