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[SOLVED] Track for Local Rotation/Position


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Hi guys,


I've been manipulating nodes with Tracker a lot this last week and I can't seem to find the feature I need: creating a track for local rotation, not just world rotation. I've tried going through all the documentation and forum posts, plus a lot of poking at the system and can't seem to find this feature. 


I am not sure if I'm looking in the wrong area, if it hasn't been added to the engine yet, or if it is not possible for some technical reason. If it's not possible, do you have any ideas for how to accomplish this or something very close to this? There has to be a way to manipulate node transforms locally!!



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Hi Taylor,


Well, the thing is that tracker is getting and setting local transformation. If you have a look at <sdkroot>/core/systems/tracker/parameters/node.parameters file then you may notice that there's no getWorldPosition / setWorldPosition or getWorldTransform / setWorldTransform calls, only getPosition / setPosition and getTransform / setTransform.


That said, you may have different issue, unrelated to local transformations. Could you please make a simple test scene which will describe the problem?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, ok! We didn't see that the transofrmations are parent relative since the nodes we were testing on had no parent.


I think the other thing that is confusing is that the position/rotation handles aren't object-relative. This is an amazing feature in Unreal's Matinee system that lets you move and rotate things starting from the object's transform at any point in the track (like creating a new key halfway through a curve and adjusting).


Thanks for the help. I'll set up a project if we have trouble in the future as we will probably doing a lot of camera animations

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