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pathRoute - movement problem


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This is me being stupid, not a unigine issue but I cannot for the life of me work out how to move a character along a path. Can someone take a look and see if I have done something sill here?

#include <core/unigine.h>

vec3 offset = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Vec3 start_pos = Vec3(-0.0f, 0.0f,1.0f) + offset;
Vec3 target_pos = Vec3( 20.0f,-20.0f,1.0f) + offset;

Node agent;

int init() {
  PlayerSpectator camera = new PlayerSpectator();

  NavigationSector navigation = add_editor(new NavigationSector(vec3(1024.0f,1024.0f,9.0f)));
  navigation.setWorldTransform(translate(Vec3(0.0f,0.0f,5.0f) + offset));

  ObstacleBox box = add_editor(new ObstacleBox(vec3(10.0f,10.0f, 3.0f)));

  agent = add_editor(node_load("mup4b/meshes/agent.node"));

  engine.console.run("show_visualizer 1");

  return 1;

int shutdown() {
        return 1;

int update() {

  PathRoute path = new PathRoute(2.0f);

  path.create2D(start_pos, target_pos);


  if (path.isReady()) {
    vec3 current_pos = agent.getPosition();
    vec3 direction_to_face = path.getPoint(1) - path.getPoint(0);

    vec3 move = lerp(agent.getPosition(), path.getPoint(1), 2.0f * engine.game.getIFps());

    mat4 mat = setTo(current_pos * move,
                     vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
    agent.setWorldTransform(mat * rotateX(-90) * rotateZ(180));
  } else {
    log.message("Path not ready\n");

  return 1;

Node add_editor(Node node) {
  return node_remove(node);
void remove_editor(Node node) {

The path appears correctly, and the character is facing in the right direction but it does not move along the path and I am stumped as to why. 

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Hey Angus,


Try not to create new PathRoute instance every update call. ;)



Ok - I've updated the code so it now runs the below code in a thread, but it does not seem to make any difference. My code that runs in a thread is below. 

void do_movement() {


  PathRoute path = new PathRoute(2.0f);

  path.create2D(start_pos, target_pos,1);

  while(1) {


    if (path.isReady()) {
      vec3 current_pos = agent.getPosition();
      vec3 direction_to_face = path.getPoint(1) - path.getPoint(0);

      vec3 move = lerp(agent.getPosition(), path.getPoint(1), 16.0f * engine.game.getIFps());

      mat4 mat = setTo(current_pos * move,
                       vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
      agent.setWorldTransform(mat * rotateX(-90) * rotateZ(180));
    } else {
      log.message("Path not ready\n");


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Hi Bob. I've attached a RAR of the data directory of the project. 


Thanks for looking at this. I'm pretty sure it's just me being dumb but for the life of me I can't figure out where.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Angus­,


We are deeply sorry for the late reply.


You are forgotten to check if route is reached (PathRoute::isReached), if false - call path.create2D again. And you need to call create2D from time to time to update it. (try every frame for start, then to improve performance reduce the number of calls).



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