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[SOLVED] Texture versus Image


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In the C++ API there is both a Texture and Image class, in script only the Image class seems to be present. In my C++ plugin I'm doing a bit of rendering into a Texture (using TextureRender class) and I want to show the final result on the screen. I can do this either in a WidgetSprite or through an ObjectMesh (by setting it as the diffuse texture in the material) from script. However both take an Image, so in the plugin I need to convert Texture->Image and return the image to script, and internally these function seem to again fill a texture with this image, which lowers the performance. As a test I added a function in the C++ plugin that sets the texture directly to the material and this went a lot faster, but this poking back and forward between C++ and script is not ideal. Is there a direct way to share render textures between C++ and UnigineScript (so render in plugin, get pointer to texture back in script and set it to widget/material, without internal conversions), or would this require the Texture class to be exposed to script first?

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Hello, Michiel!


There's no way to share Texture instance between C++ and UnigineScript unfortunately. In order to reduce poking back and forward between both consider adding a bit more code on C++ side (something like 'prepareObject' function), export it to the script and use.

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