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[SOLVED] LeapMotion in Unigine


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Hi all,

I'm trying to integrate LeapMotion in Unigine.

First question is if Ungine plans to support this device in the near future. I don't want to spend time in something that is already in the Unigine kitchen.


Second question is about  coordinates conversion. LeapMotion and Unigine uses right-handed coordinated system but up is Y axis in LeapMotion. I want to find the fastest way to make these conversions (for Vector and Matrix types) because every frame hands and fingers parts must updated in Unigine environment.



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Hey, Iván


Regarding your second question, for vectors it's super easy:

vec3 leapmotion_data; // data from leapmotion where y is up

// Common way
vec3 unigine_data = vec3(leapmotion_data.x,leapmotion_data.z,leapmotion_data.y);

// In UnigineScript it could be even shorter by using swizzles
vec3 unigine_data = leapmotion_data.xzy;

For matrices it's just a matter of swapping rows/columns inside matrix:

mat4 leapmotion_data; // data from leapmotion where y is up

// if the leapmotion matrices are row-major then you have to transpose them as unigine matrices are column-major order (like OpenGL)
mat4 unigine_data(leapmotion_data,1); // set this if leapmotion_data matrix is in row-major order

// C++ common way (swap two zy axes)
mat4 unigine_data;

// C++ faster way (swap data inside the matrix itself)
mat4 unigine_data = mat4(leapmotion_data);
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