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Vertices and Indices from ObjectTerrain


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I want to know if it is possible to get all vertices and CIndices from ObjectTerrain directly like ObjectStaticMesh or ObjectDynamicMesh? Because of using the flatness parameter the terrain will be simplified and (for my opinion) needs less amount of vertices/indices.


The reason for that purpose is that I'm currently integrating a full dynamic navmesh for unigine. Therefore a small amount of vertices/indices means less recalculation for navmesh-chunks and check if triangles are walkable or not.


Best regards


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Hello Christian,


There's no direct access to terrain's vertices and cindices because of the LOD system. You need to get terrain heights (ObjectTerrain::getHeights method) and build geometry by hands. I think you'll also have to optimize it by yourself and take flatness parameter into account.

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