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Possible problem with TypeID


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In a part of code:

Unigine::ArrayMap NodeMap = Unigine::Interpreter::getArrayMap(_nodeMap);
int size = NodeMap.size();

for(int id=0; id < size; id++ )
Unigine::Node* nodePtr = (Unigine::Node*) NodeMap.get( Unigine::Variable( id ) ).getExternClassObject(
	Unigine::TypeInfo( Unigine::TypeID<Unigine::Node*>() ) );


getExternClassObject causes an error:

"Variable::getExternClassObject(): can't convert extern class to class Unigine::Node *"


Condition (type_info == TypeInfo(TypeID<Node*>())) in Variable::getExternClassObject(const TypeInfo &type_info) is false,

but both names in TypeInfo's are the same "class Unigine::Node *", the problem is they have different ids.


This is probably caused by initialization of

template <class Type> int TypeID<Type>::id = get_type_id(); in a header (UnigineType.h) - there are two separate instances of

TypeID<Unigine::Node*>::id, one in a dll and one in executable.

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Check source\samples\Api\Nodes sample. Create exe and load the nodes.world. You will get following error. The error is the same reason as of this discussion. TypeInfo.




Please anyone answer this from Unigine team? Its a serious bug.

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