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Texture load/reload issues


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with that built it very often seems to happen, that textures (4096x4096) are not loaded at project start and reloaded after the source is changed or the object is out of the frustum and comes back to the object.


I cannot force it to load by looking/non looking at it, I cant force loading it by loading a different texture into the material slot and then choose the correct one.


I have changes the command line parameters to:


render_manager_create_textures = 1 and

render_manager_textures_memory = 90


It seems that this had an effect one time at loading the project, but now those none loading texture do happen again.

It is not always the same texture.

I am loading dds textures into standard material DT slot.


Is this some known issue or do you think this can be a specific issue with my project/hardware?


Unfortunately this issue is not very consistent. It sometimes happens, sometimes not.






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