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Landscape plugin and Geotiff


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I think that the landscape plugin can be streamlined somewhat when using geotiff as the format.
I think the landscape plugin could be very much streamlined for the workflow that most people are going to want
particularly when using real world data.

The geotiff format contains enough information to calculate terrain step and z scale.
scanning a folder for number of images should be able to calculate the sizeX and sizeY values.

I would like to be able to place height,diffuse,normal and spec maps in a folder. 
Have a ui that lets me choose a folder and builds the terrain array. 

I could build such a tool myself but I was wondering if Unigine is planing anything in this direction?
To my mind this could be implemented as another tab in the landscape plugin.


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for anybody who is interested
Terrain step can be calculated using 

 ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey to get unit_scale,

 ModelPixelScaleTag to get x, y pixel_scale


terrain_step_x = pixel_scale_x * unit_scale * image_width / terrain_width;

height can be calculated 


VerticalUnitsGeoKey to get unit_scale

ModelPixelScaleTag to get pixel_scale

scale = unit_scale * pixel_scale

position can also be calculated but typically we want the landscape to center on the origin.

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