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UNIGINE 2.0 Alpha Preview


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We will surely provide a detailed documentation about terrain usage when stable version will be released. Not at this moment, I'm afraid.


Diffuse, Normals, Specular is working, but I do not get any mask image/array. 


The mask seems to be the issue, as it is not created and assigned.


Could you please give us your terrain with world file? We will check this particular issue.


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Hi Werner,

Thanks for your sample.


Please, try to do the following:
 - Decompress terrain textures using Nodes -> ObjectTerrain -> Parameters -> Decompress
 - Downsize refined mask to paint with no lags.
 - Resize array textures for materials to force their update.

 - Check that arrays are correct.

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I noticed the editor is always running world_save at exit. I could be wrong but I guess this is not intentional :-)

The following lines in editor.cpp seem to be responsible for that:

		if(unredoIsWorldDirty() && engine.app.dialogMessage("Question","Do you want to save changes in the current world?","Yn")) {

Replacing "Yn" by "Oc" in line 373 helps (I would guess the return value of dialogMessage() in case "no" is pressed is not zero under windows, but I didn't check that).


Otherwise the alpha preview is working very well for me as programmer!




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Thank you. It is working now.

I have to go into detail to look at all the features.


I guess you will be working on the interface of the terrain. (In the Nodes Panel).

It seems a bit unorganized. 


I also like, that you are using colors in the Gui.


Imo this is a good idea, as the gray in gray is slick and looks cool but this doesnt make it easier to use. 


Just another thought came into my mind today.

As working with Terrains, the .world file can get really long.

Would it make sense to exclude the Terrain in a separate file and the just include it in the world file?





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  • Added recursive classes function calls. The functions can be called in the following way:mesh.getBoundBox().getMin(). The type of a return variable is equal to return type of a user function or return type of an external C++ function. Because of that advanced detection of reference returning classes have been added.


It nice working on core classes, but i get errors when i use it on my classes.

Do you extend it also to user defined classes in script?

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What bone limit is now for one surface?

I get this error:

engine\framework\direct3d11\D3D11Shader.cpp:932: Assertion: 'size <= parameter.size && "D3D11Shader::set_parameter(): bad parameter size"'

When i try load skinned mesh that have a lot of bones on surfaces, in previous version(2014-07-07) it work fine.


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Hi Honya,


What bone limit is now for one surface?


For the present moment limitation for skinned mesh is 80 bones per surface.

Also could you please send us your problematic model?
It would be very helpful.


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Hi Honya,

We've added this issue to our internal bug tracker.
As a workaround you can use OpenGL instead or DirectX 11 to avoid this crash.


Also, I'm afraid there may be some graphical artifacts with surface where you have more than 80 bones.

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Hi Honya,


It nice working on core classes, but i get errors when i use it on my classes.

Do you extend it also to user defined classes in script?


To use this feature with the user defined classes in the script, you can cast the return value of the 1st function to the corresponding type.
For example:

// the 1st user defined class
class Foo {
    void print() { log.message(__FUNC__ + ": called\n"); }
// the 2nd user defined class
class Bar {
    Foo get_foo() { return new Foo(); }

int init() {
    // create an instance of the 2nd class
    Bar b = new Bar(); 
    // cast the return value of the b.get_foo() to the Foo type and call the member function of the Foo class
// This code will print the following in the console: Foo::print(): called


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What bone limit is now for one surface?[/size]
I get this error:
engine\framework\direct3d11\D3D11Shader.cpp:932: Assertion: 'size <= parameter.size && "D3D11Shader::set_parameter(): bad parameter size"'
When i try load skinned mesh that have a lot of bones on surfaces, in previous version(2014-07-07) it work fine.

We've managed to fix this issue for DirectX 11 renderer by increasing bones limit per surface up to 128. Now OpenGL and DirectX renderers have similar bones per surface limit. Also, there will be no crash when model with more than 128 bones per surface will be added into the world.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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I am trying to upgrade my existing meshes to become compatible with Unigine 2.0 Alpha using USC, but i'm having a few technical issues. I have placed the upgrade/mesh/path/terrain/world.usc scripts in the same folder as my meshes, I then run the 'Upgrade' script but unfortunately it hasn't updated my files. Thanks

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Could you please provide exactly command line that was executed? If there is any output (errors or just normal messages) in windows cmd, please post it on forum.


For generic unigine project:

  • Project
    • data
      • meshes
      • nodes
      • terrain
      • ...
    • usc.exe
    • upgrade.usc
    • mesh.usc
    • world.usc
    • ...

Running usc.exe upgrade.usc should give a correct results. There is also slightly modified world.usc version, which is recommended to use for upgrade process in this forum post: https://developer.unigine.com/forum/topic/2869-unigine-20-alpha-preview/page-3#entry15486



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I had been getting the same issues running the browser.bat as some of the others. I have since fixed the problem by running windows update, replacing the browser_x86.exe and dropping the dll in the correct location. I can now run the browser but i am seeing a message in the command line windows that reads "Problem creating accessible interface for:  Browser(0x3af7e8) Make sure to deploy Qt with accessibility plugins." Everything seems to be working but just wanted to check that this was nothing i should be worried about and also wanted to let you know about it.



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