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[SOLVED] Light Map UV issue


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All right:


As we have been looking into the samples, there the lightmaps have 4 quaters.


Is this a feature for the 'light mix' (which I cant find in the material).:


Setting a Lightmap

Lightmaps for selected objects can be generated automatically using a Lightmap Generation Tool.

Lightmaps can also be assigned manually. In this case, a light map is set separately for each material (the parent one, at least, and that is why the material hierarchy is important). The following steps should be taken:

  1. On the States tab of the Materials settings, choose the lightmap for the Ambient pass in the drop-down box.
    The LightMix option enables using two additional lightmaps, besides the basic one, for the same materials and at the same time. It allows to add the locally baked lights, or to draw the lighting state of transition between the day and the night.
  2. On the Textures tab, specify the paths to the lightmap(s).
  3. On the Parameters tab, the Scale option defines the intensity of lightmap lighting.
    If LightMix is chosen, each of the three lightmaps have their own scale and can be tweaked separately.



Can somebody help me please on the lightmap resolution, lightmix and how to use the "3 or even 4 differernt lightmaps"







Here I have compared the 2 SDKs.


Somethings going wrong.?!


It seems that there is a confusion with the UV sets. The older SDK takes the whole UV space, the newer SDK respects the quaters of the UV space.

What is the 'real one'?




HELP. :unsure: lightmap_comparison.JPG

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De Mystyfied!

Thank you, frustum. The description (or link) could go onto the lightmap page.





  • Variable. Print the value indicating what kind of light maps is used.
  • Command. Use directional light maps that account for surface normal map thus providing higher detailed results. If enabled, one light map contains 2×2 tiles. If the light map is exported from an external light mapping tool, disable this option.

0 - simple non-directional light maps
1 - directional light maps (by default)



How do I use the DIRECTIONAL Lightmaps? Seems like a good feature.

Does this include blending/mixing the lightmaps?





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Hi Werner,

You can check Crypt demo as an example (try to disable 'Use directional lightmaps' in Tools -> Render).

Also you can create lightmaps using Tools -> Illumination Tab

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yes ty.

In the crypt I also see lightmaps using directional lightmaps, a texture devided into 4 quaters.


I think I gotthe idea with the 4 lightmaps into one texture.


I cant find any 'LIGHT MIX' factor.


thx. Werner

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