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[SOLVED] Light in forward and deferred


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After adding a lot of lights to unigine and having very complex scenes there is no performance gain betwen rendering light in deferred(without oclusion). How that's is even possible?  Deferred light are rendered on the texture and normally they fully ignore complexity of the scene. What ive noticed is that 

when adding a lot of lights to simple scene frame rate is 10/sec and for very complex ones it drops to 

1/sec because of renderdeferred. 

Can somone englighten me?




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as far as I know deferred rendering might not give you much performance gain. as you said, you are using a complex scene.


But deferred rendering CAN achieve much more realistic image result.

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Hello maciek.mostowski,

Please, check that render_deferred variable is set to 1 and Force deferred lighting option is enabled for every light source (Nodes -> Light -> Force deferred lighting).


You can set render_deferred variable using the following console commands:

render_deferred 1

Also, instead of Force deferred lighting option you can enable Force deferred option from Tools -> Render -> Force deferred.

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Sorry my post  wasn't clear. The way i believe that deferred rendering should work is : 

Rendering n deferred lights for a simple scene = Rendering n deferred lights for a very complex scene and is much smaller

then  rendering n forward lights for a complex scene. From what ive seen for around 10000 lights :

Rendering n deferred lights for a simple <<<< Rendering n deferred lights for a very complex scene

and Rendering n deferred lights for a very complex scene time is roughly the same for the same parameters in forward.

That's unexpected and deferred lights is defenitely called.

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Hi maciek.mostowski,


Sorry for the late reply.


If you want to achieve noticeable performance gains, please check the following notes:
 - Check that shadows are disabled. You can use Tools -> Render -> Force no shadows option
 - Deferred lightning could be more effective if light spots do not intersect
If it will not help I'm afraid some test scene is needed for any specific advices.

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