danni.coy Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 I finally got around to writing a shader for unigine. So far I have only tested with OpenGL (waiting for a windows machine - to become free in the office).vertex shader is essentially a copy of vertex_blur_radial.shader. fragment shader looks like this. #include <core/shaders/default/common/fragment_base.h> /******************************************************************************\ * * OpenGL * \******************************************************************************/ #ifdef OPENGL uniform sampler2D s_texture_0; uniform half lens_radius; uniform half lens_feathering; /* */ void main() { float2 texcoord = s_texcoord_0.xy; half3 color = texture(s_texture_0,texcoord).xyz; float dist = distance(texcoord, vec2(0.5,0.5)); vec3 vig = vec3(smoothstep(lens_radius, (lens_radius-0.001)*lens_feathering, dist)); s_frag_color = half4(vec4(color*vig, 1.0)); } /******************************************************************************\ * * Direct3D11 * * \******************************************************************************/ #elif DIRECT3D11 Texture2D s_texture_0 : register(t0); struct FRAGMENT_IN { float4 position : SV_POSITION; float2 texcoord_0 : TEXCOORD0; }; float lens_radius; float lens_feathering; float3 main(FRAGMENT_IN IN) : SV_TARGET { float2 texcoord = IN.texcoord_0; float3 color = s_texture_0.Sample(s_sampler_0,texcoord.xy).xyz; float dist = distance(texcoord, float2(0.5,0.5)); float v = smoothstep(lens_radius,(lens_radius-0.001)*lens_feathering, dist); return color * float3(v,v,v); } /******************************************************************************\ * * Direct3D9 * \ *******************************************************************************/ #elif DIRECT3D9 struct FRAGMENT_IN { float2 texcoord_0 : TEXCOORD0; }; half lens_radius; half lens_feathering; /* */ half4 main(FRAGMENT_IN IN) : COLOR { float2 texcoord = IN.texcoord_0; half3 color = tex2D(s_texture_0,texcoord).xyz; float dist = distance(texcoord, float2(0.5,0.5)); float v = smoothstep(lens_radius,(lens_radius-0.001)*lens_feathering, dist); return half4(color * float3(v,v,v),1.0f); } /******************************************************************************\ * * PlayStation3 * \ *******************************************************************************/ #elif PLAYSTATION3 ##pragma disablepc all uniform sampler2D s_texture_0 : TEXUNIT0; struct FRAGMENT_IN { float2 texcoord_0 : TEXCOORD0; }; uniform half lens_radius; uniform half lens_feathering; /* */ half4 main(FRAGMENT_IN IN) : COLOR { float2 texcoord = IN.texcoord_0; half3 color = h3tex2D(s_texture_0,texcoord); float dist = distance(texcoord,float2(0.5f,0.5f)); float v = smoothstep(lens_radius,(lens_radius-0.001)*lens_feathering,dist); return half4(color * float3(v,v,v),1.0f); } #endif material definition looks like this. <!-- /* Vignette material */ --> <material name="post_vignette"> <!-- shaders --> <shader pass="post" vertex="core/shaders/default/post/vertex_vignette.shader" fragment="core/shaders/default/post/fragment_vignette.shader"/> <!-- textures --> <texture name="color" pass="post" type="procedural"/> <!-- parameters --> <parameter name="lens_radius" type="slider" shared="1" min="0.0" max="1.0" flags="max_expand">0.65</parameter> <parameter name="lens_feathering" type="slider" shared="1" min="0.0" max="1.0" flags="max_expand">0.0</parameter> </material> edit: fixed direct3d9 and 11 versions - though only 11 has been tested
unclebob Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 Hey, Danni! Looks cool. If you just want to show your vignette shader to people then I'll move it to 'showcase' thread, ok?
unclebob Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 Show some pictures to us! Show that beauty!
danni.coy Posted February 27, 2014 Author Posted February 27, 2014 I am having some issues with the shader as written - specifically it seems that I don't have visualizer when It is enabled - any ideas what is going on there?
unclebob Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 Hi Danni, glad to see you there. :) That's weird, could you make a test scene? I just launched our post_bombing_00 scene in samples/shaders and everything is good, I can turn on and off both visualizer and profiler.
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