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[SOLVED] Engine start, get status if something goes wrong


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Is there a way to get the last error from the engine, if something goes wrong on start?

We have some linux user with opensource drivers and if they start unigine over our launcher we have no way to check if the launch was successfully or not.

// Call engine and give control to engine

// Done
return 0;

What I'm looking for is a function to call after the main loop is exited and check if it was exited by user or because of a problem.




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Hi Manuel,


We have Engine::getError method but it's not included in C++ API for some reason. Can't do any promises but it seems very easy to add that to API.


One thing that might help right now is engine.getError function on UnigineScript side which you can call from world script or from C++ side. That should do the trick especially when you want to shutdown your app.

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