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Transform objects with local coordinates, numerically


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I have the situation, that I need to adjust large objects very precisely for positioning.

I have aligned objects which I need to move in local coordinate system. Sometimes they are so big, that I cant use the move handle ( at the center of the object) to adjust it in the precise way needed.


E.g. i have objects 50 meters long and need to adjust the alignment in cm or even mm as when I created them they didnt align 100% but only 99.9 %. (my bad, but positioning all objects again would take ages)


If I could move the objects numerically in local coordinates, that would do the deed.

Any way to do this?


If not, it would be something for 'under the x-mas tree'  :rolleyes:





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I think you could probably parent you big object to a dummy.  then rotate and move your dummy close to where you want your big object to be.  Then you should be able to move by small local increments. If you are using a large world, you may need to use a double precision build, which we use as standard now.

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It is more an Interface issue I guess, as transforming objects numerically does only work in World coordinates.


I want to transform objects using the local or even other coordinates. (which e.g. you set in the editor).


Its like the transform interface in 3dsmax. Choose a coordinate system and the transform input box respects the chosen system.

But grouping and parenting with dummies is definitely a good idea.





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