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[SOLVED] Build Object Terrain with Unigine script


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after my successful implementation of libnoise I try to integrate the information into Unigine. I create a new ObjectTerrain and two Images, one for my Heightrmap and one for a basic diffuse map. Next I fill the Height- and Diffusemap with my libnoise-information, which seems to be working fine.

The ObjectTerrain gets the Heightmap-Image and creates my terrain. Next I want to set the diffusemap to my Object, but without any success . I use setDiffuseTextureImage() to do that, but in my world the Terrain is still invisible (the function return a 0). Should I create a new Material for that? I try ObjectTerrain.addMaterial() to create an empty one (which Documentation says it is okay without any arguments) but the interpreter give me an error. So any hints for that?


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Please look into the core/editor/plugins/landscape/landscape.cpp file on 1133 line.

This function creates terrain object dynamically.

"terrain_base" material must be assigned to the newly created terrain object.


setDiffuseTextureImage() function can't be used directly.

A precede calling of setDiffuseTextureName() function is required.

This function is designed for real-time assigned texture modification.

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But for setDiffuseTextureName() a diffusemap for an separate image is required, isn't it? But I want to create my diffuse map on the fly with libnoise. So I create a new image-class in Unigine-script and simply parse the color information from my plugin to the newly created image.

I used Diffusemap.create2D(256,256,IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8,,,) to create my diffuse map.

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You can create temporary buffered file in the file system addBufferFile(); Save an image into the file. And use it name as setDiffuseTextureName() argument.

This file will be located in the memory only.

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