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[SOLVED] NavigationMesh usage causes Unigine to crash


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In the latest SDK (16.8) there seems to be problems with NavigationMesh serialisation/deserialisation (I've only tested this with 64 bit double precision Unigine). The problems I have observed are as follows:

1) NavigationMesh objects that are within my world files that previously worked cause Unigine to crash without a trace.

2) If you modify the height of a NavigationMesh whilst loaded using the editor, Unigine will similarly crash without a trace.


An example of 2) I have provided in an attached project. All you need to do is:

1) Load the world

2) Using the editor navigate to the provided NavigationMesh node

3) Edit the NavigationMesh height to say 1 and press enter


Kaboom! No more Unigine :( Providing test case data for case 1) is a bit more problematic but it is important that we can get this fixed, since this is a more common use case for us. I'm assuming that both problems are related. 


One observation that I saw in case 1) is that if I load the navigation plane and save NavigationMesh to the world, the number of polygons (num_polygons) was 1 more in the new SDK than it was in the 30.04 SDK, which would seem to suggest that you have now got a different way of constructing NavigationMesh objects from meshes?


This is a critical bug for us since we extensively use NavigationMesh objects throughout our worlds. Please let me know if you need any more information.


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Hi Craig,


The second issue is successfully reproduced and passed to the developers. Thank you for the test scene!


Also, it would be great, if you can provide us simple test files (navigation meshes(?)) which works correctly in old SDKs and not working in the latest one.



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