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[SOLVED] Navmesh Creation


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Hi, can someone suggest  an optimized way to create Navmesh for 100x100km Terrain. Should we do it manually or there is any automated way of doing?


In which situations are Navigation meshes/sectors preferred over the other? Is there a specific workflow to follow while creating navigation for projects involving complicated interiors? Thanks.

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Sounds like this is a new area for you while your requirements are quite sophisticated.Therefore I would recommend to google for navigation meshes and dig into all the challenges of this topic first, there are numerous articles available.

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Thank you Ulf, I'll be checking out the online info available. I had in mind Unigine specific info, like NavSectors of which I failed to find much info.

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I was under the impression that Unigine provides some tool to generate Navigation Mesh out of terrains generated through heightmap. Is this the case?

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