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WorldOccluderTerrain Bug ?


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WorldOccluderTerrain shows unexpected occlusion behaviour within test scene. When moving through the scene sometimes geometry culling works as expected, sometimes it does not. Especially occluder pixels in the center of the scene do not always block backward geometry.




Not sure if this is caused by an incorrect input occlusion mask, wrong setup or a real WorldOccluderTerrain bug. On position 2 there is no occlusion geometry visible within occluder debug texture.


Position 1: occlusion works (still there are some small polygons not occluded, reason unknown)



Nearby Position 2: occlusion does not work at all



Terrain occluder height data visualized as blue boxes (real heightfield occluder geometry is of course a little bit different, but box approximation should resemble general occluder layout). Occlusion data was build from this b/w mask, which was simply created from scenery top-down screenshot.



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