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[WONTFIX, deprecated] Issue in InterfaceWindow as child window


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I have extended InterfaceWindow class such that I create an child window rather than a popup one, so that the window created acts according to it's parent window. Have just added window style as WS_CHILD


It has caused an issue, where for, INTERFACE_FRAME option, there is lot of flickering occurring that is, the frame refresh for child window and parent is overlapping and I am unable to view the content of child window properly.


This only occurs for windows (CreatWindowEx) but works fine for Linux (XCreateWindow).



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You won't notice the flickering as the screenshot is not able to capture this issue and the flicker very high.


I found that this issue occurs only for Windows 7 Basic & Windows Classic Theme (Basic & High Contrast Theme), but work quiet well for other themes. I am using Windows 7 Enterprise on 64-bit OS

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I will provide you the sample in a day or two, but a quick replication would occur if you do following step


In InterfaceWindow.cpp replace the line


// window style
style = WS_POPUP;     to     style = WS_CHILD;
Rebuild this InterfaceWindow DLL and Change the windows theme to Basic Windows Classic. Now load this DLL in Interface sample in SDK
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I found the solution, the application window (AppWindow) has not been set with WS_CLIPCHILDERN style flag, as a result flickering is caused.

If the flag is set than, I think the problem would be solved.


@manguste: Can this be confirmed that it is the cause & solution!

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