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[SOLVED] grabber noise


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What is supposed usage of noice feature for grabbing billboards? Noise in alfa channel is causing "atefacts" around billboards, so I dont know in which situation this can be good....Well, it can help with visual quality of trees like conifers, but artefacts around billboars are making it not much usable. I know that tuning of parametr alfa in material can help I bit, but...So I am interested, what exactly was this feature meant for.


Btw, billboards for trees are always square, which is imho performance wasting (cca 3x bigger area than really neded, tree is in most cases rectangular), would be possible to optimize this?

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Btw, billboards for trees are always square, which is imho performance wasting (cca 3x bigger area than really neded, tree is in most cases rectangular), would be possible to optimize this?


Never mind, I ve discovered aspect parametr ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Noise option is for smoother switching between two impostors. Let's say, when a front-looking impostor (from a texture) need to be changed for a side-looking one, the engine uses baked noise to render the transition. You can it see on the picture, one impostor is gradually changed for another as the camera turns around it.


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Noise option is for smoother switching between two impostors. Let's say, when a front-looking impostor (from a texture) need to be changed for a side-looking one, the engine uses baked noise to render the transition. You can it see on the picture, one impostor is gradually changed for another as the camera turns around it.


Thanks for explanation!

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