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Unigine in webgl


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Manguste, yes the problem it's the cubemap textures are in RGBA16F not working with Emscripten Javascript. In the first time i remove this and the demo use the default textures (red green blue). Can you give me your FPS please ?? I have without rain 25 Fps on OSX safari.

BTW, Firefox ask me the Draft WebGL Extensions could be interesting to add to Firefox for better result with Unigine. May be you can give me the order you think will be better.



For me i think :


13 ANGLE_instanced_arrays
14 EXT_color_buffer_half_float
16 EXT_frag_depth
15 WEBGL_color_buffer_float

18 WEBGL_draw_buffers

12 WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc
13 WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc

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13 ANGLE_instanced_arrays
14 EXT_color_buffer_half_float
16 EXT_frag_depth
15 WEBGL_color_buffer_float
18 WEBGL_draw_buffers
12 WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc
13 WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc

From all these extensions we only use 17 EXT_sRGB (and that's not for mobiles/simple shaders) so from the point of view of the engine, they are not supported in any case. Sorry we cannot provide any constructive feedback here.


Can you give me your FPS please ?? I have without rain 25 Fps on OSX safari.

Only 9-10 FPS for me in FireFox, alas. But i have tons of tabs in the browser so you can dismiss this result as a statistics error :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Anthony,


Was keen to see, but link is not working in FF or Chrome.


*edit: seems your website is down.


*tried again, I can reach website now, downloaded completed, but not loading part, just hangs. (Chrome)

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Thanks for the info, i just re-upload all and seems work on FF, Safari and Chrome (on OSX), and Nightly, Canary, Maxton, IE (on Win8).

I was working on openal and forgot to disabled it .... take 20 ms for loading the Engine

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  • 5 weeks later...



I just rebuild Unigine using the last firefox nightly optim, asm.js and the result it's very interesting. Unigine take 1.5 sec for start with an empty sample.

The freetype library are some casting pointer function who need patch : 

Inside aftypes.h, line 312 the typedef is : 

  typedef void
  (*AF_Script_ApplyHintsFunc)( AF_GlyphHints     hints,
                               FT_Outline*       outline,
                               AF_ScriptMetrics  metrics );


must be 


Inside aftypes.h, line 312 the typedef is : 

  typedef FT_ERROR
  (*AF_Script_ApplyHintsFunc)( AF_GlyphHints     hints,
                               FT_Outline*       outline,
                               AF_ScriptMetrics  metrics );


I take time for found this problem. But it's working.

Next step plug openal and sound part .... ;)


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  • 1 month later...

I propose to create a topic about the current version of webGL, which appeared in the engine. And then collect information about installation, preparing and launch applications. As well as all the associated nuances.

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Yep, it's weird my build do ~40 Mo


Do you have some log in the console ?? Look like all the externs lib and the engine build ? The build with emscripten take ~10 min in my PC.


I m not use scons for build Unigine but if i am some time i will try tomorow,

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Hi Anton, i use makefile on OSX,

You can download my entire repository here : 


For build just edit the Makefile inside the builder folder and use your own path for emscripten and the unigine source.

I add an empty sample for have a test case. For try you just need to launch index.html. Automaticaly the engine will be launch with 960x640 and will try to launch the empty sample. You can change the parameter like that:

./index.html?width=800&height=600&system=demos/passage&libscripts=1&asm=1 ( Load scripts and passage demo with 800x600 and enabled asm.js, you need to build with asm.js before ) 


The default parameter are inside game_settings.js

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I have a problem. Your makefile written with the full source version, but I have only binary. Last release added the option to assemble scons a version of webgl.

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