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[SOLVED] GUI - Padding


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We'll keep your suggestion in mind, but for now I'm afraid it's a no, sorry.

  • You can use empty vboxes with space argument.
  • Create a child with an Overlap flag and manually calculate the required offset.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello frustum,


that sounds awesome thanks for you feedback!


Just a little response: I hope the padding can be used liked "DIV" paddings so you don't be addicted in anyway by padding to the left with the nested containers.

So parent containers where a child container is nested, and the child container will be padded, the parent container won't be padded at all?


Best regards


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I'm sorry but I cannot get your question. The parent has its own paading, and children have their own ones.

For example, here how it looks like:



And here's a UI file:

<ui version="1.00">

<window name="Nodes::window" export="1">
	<vbox space="4" align="expand" padding_l="100">
		<hpaned name="Nodes::window_hp" export="1" value="-32767" align="expand">
			<vbox align="expand">				
					<hbox align="expand" padding_b="30">
						<icon name="Nodes::clone_i" export="1" texture="core/editor/gui/nodes_clone.png">
							<tooltip>Clone node</tooltip>
							<callback type="clicked">Nodes::clone_clicked</callback>
				<vbox space="2"/>				
				<vbox space="2"/>				
				<scrollbox align="expand" width="200" height="320" padding_l="70">
					<treebox name="Nodes::nodes_tb" export="1" align="expand" editable="1" multi_selection="1" texture="core/editor/gui/nodes_icons.png">
						<tooltip>Drag nodes with pressed ALT to edit hierarchy</tooltip>
						<callback type="changed">Nodes::nodes_changed</callback>
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