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[SOLVED] RenderImage2D light flicker


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Using the following code (called once per update) I am creating a set of images to stitch together into a movie using an external program. The problem is, I am getting random light flickering between images that makes the end result unusable. ALL lights in scene are dynamic lights (i.e. spot, proj, omni, world lights). My first thought was that I had HDR on, but it is disabled both in the scene and in the renderImage2D function. I also have an extremely low framerate during this rendering period as I have everything on maximum for the best movie output (although I wouldn't have thought a low framerate would make a difference). Any idea why these images are rendering with flickering light effects and/or any possible solutions?


Image image = new Image();
engine.render.renderImage2D(player.getProjection(), player.getModelview(), image, resolutionX, resolutionY, "", RENDER_HDR_DISABLED);
string saveFile = format("%s/img%s.png", filePath, GetFrameString());
delete image;



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I have an interesting update! I tried disabling the glow post process as you suggested Ulf, but to no avail. I then went through destroying and picking away at the project piece by piece. The weird result is that having a LightWorld object in my scene is the cause of the flicker, but when disabling the scattering pass, it continued to cause the problem. Only by having all LightWorld objects disabled (which in my case was just the 1) did the flicker stop occuring between animation frames. Can it be explained why the LightWorld object is doing this? Perhaps there is a bug here?

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Apologies, I have misinformed you. Seems I disabled the LightWorld's root node which also contained an ObjectSky. The flickering is caused by the shadows of the clouds! These are being updated in realtime compared to the really slow render time I'm producing my images in so the shadow changes the clouds cause look really dramatic. I think I'm going to take the easy way out and just drop the clouds completely as they are not really necessary in our project. Thank you for your time guys.

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