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[SOLVED] Plugin using other .dlls


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I'm trying to write a C++ plugin to add some to add some functionality of an external dll library into unigine.

So what I did was create a Plugin.dll to load into Unigine, and that plugin in turn calls function from the external dll library.

My plugin code looks like this:


class MyPlugin: public Unigine::Plugin
 MyPlugin() { }

 virtual ~MyPlugin() { }

 virtual int init()
  Unigine::Log::warning("HeadtrackingPlugin::init() is called\n");


  return 1;

 virtual int shutdown()
  Unigine::Log::warning("HeadtrackingPlugin::shutdown() is called\n");
  return 1;

 virtual void update() { }

extern "C" UNIGINE_API void *CreatePlugin() {
return new MyPlugin();

extern "C" UNIGINE_API void ReleasePlugin(void *plugin) {
delete static_cast<MyPlugin*>(plugin);


If I take out the line ExternalLib::do_something(); everything works fine (I see the log messages), but when I leave the line in Unigine crashes without any error messages.

There are no error messages in the log file either.


I put the external dll in the same folder as the Unigine executable.


Does anyone know what could be causing the crash?

Edited by Linus
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Could you post the entire source code ?


I've made a head tracking system without any problems using Unigine plugins. (Intersense inertia Cube 2 and Razer Hydra)


Which hardware / software are you using ?

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Don't see anything that hurts me.


Perhaps are you mixing debug build with release one ? Using different common runtime ?


If you build a fake standalone application (i.e. not using unigine at all) using your head tracker class, everything works properly ?

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I made a standalone application and it ran without any problems. I found the problem when I compared the project settings of the standalone app and the dll.

Turns I just forgot to add a preprocessor definition for the camera SDK in the plugin project. :)

The plugin works fine now.


Thanks for helping out

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