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[SOLVED] Emission scale on track


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Is there a way to set emission (on/off) to vehicles headlights setted on a track during 24 hours ?



I inherited a material from mesh_reflection_cube_base for accesorries which contained headlights textures and checked "Ambient emission" on States.


My problem is I want to set a track to have a timeline (night and day, 24 hours) with emissive textures on vehicules headligths and streetlights.


On tracks, I saw we can set glowMask, but nothing emission scale.




So emission is kept on full day and with hdr, it's very shiny and when vehicules drive between buildings on shadows, headlights are full bright.




Thank you for your feedbacks !


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You can also do this with a world expression for the car, enabling and disabling the lights when the ambient lighting is at a certain level. this is what we have done for our night time scenes including building lights in windows and other night time effects.

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Via Tracker you can gain access to all materials parameters and states. Emission scale is a parameter and a slider, so you need to select materials -> parameterSlider when adding a new track. After that you need to select emission_scale in a drop-down list.


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