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[SOLVED] BodyContactCallback crash


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In the log files you've provided there are very, very many errors of "cannot load" type. This makes your application prone to all kinds of random crashes due to null references. Since resources simply do not exist, the moment the engine tries to access them, you get a crash. And it indeed seems random because you never know when the engine stumbles upon this non-existing asset.


Basically, there is no other way for you but to get rid of all missing nodes and textures. When we developed Oil Rush, at some point we also had all kinds of random crashes due to missing assets, since the project grew and grew fast. After clearing this up, most errors were automatically gone (and we could finally understand what goes wrong in scripts).


Unless you do the same, you cannot get to the root of the problem - and cannot reproduce it. And if you cannot reproduce it, neither can we.

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