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[SOLVED] extended Node class


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I'm making a custom class that extends Unigine's WorldTrigger. I find that two of the constructors below cannot "coexist". These would be the second and third constructors - TriggerObject(vec3 size), TriggerObject(string callback). The interpreter does not throw a correct error in the first place, which took me quite some time to figure out that the class can only work with one constructor but not the other.


#ifndef MY_OBJECT_H
#define MY_OBJECT_H
class TriggerObject : WorldTrigger {

TriggerObject() : WorldTrigger(vec3_one * 2) {
 setEnterCallback("OnTriggerEnter", this);
 setLeaveCallback("OnTriggerExit", this);
TriggerObject (vec3 size) : WorldTrigger(size) {

TriggerObject(string callback) : WorldTrigger(vec3_one * 2) {
~TriggerObject () {
 delete extern;

void OnTriggerEnter (Node node, TriggerObject instance) {
 log.message(node.getName() + " entered.\n");

void OnTriggerExit (Node node, TriggerObject instance) {
 log.message(node.getName() + " exited.\n");


Has anybody else experienced this? What is wrong with my code?

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Unigine script uses dynamic typing and essentially it is ignoring the pararmeters type in the constructors. It sees your code as having 2 construtors with only one parameter which for all intents and purposes recognises them both as;TriggerObject (int a)

It's the concept of being able to assign a value of one type to a variable of another. Ever noticed in any examples you have accessor methods that supposedly return int's for much more complicated data? Its the same concept. ^_^

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Hello Mandee,


UnigineScript is not strongly typed, so there is no difference between


void method(string arg) { /* do something */ }




void method(int arg) { /* do something else */ }

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  • 2 months later...

Add extra functionality to Node class :


class INode : Node
Node add_editor(Node node)  {engine.editor.addNode(node);return node_remove(node);}
int locked;
INode(string name)
   	locked = 0;
   	extern = node_load(name);
INode(string name, int addEditor)
   	locked = 0;
   	Node n = node_load(name);
   	extern = add_editor(n);

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