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How to operate database


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Who can tell me that the unigine how to operate the database(oracle,db2,sql2005).I think it not only for xml data.

and those 3D games how to do ? must use database.

I read the unigine document but find nothing. how to operate the database about the unigine?


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This is a fairly atypical use case for games. There isn't any out of the box functionality for it. Your best bet is to use the C++ plugin interface to build a bridge between the database and your Unigine based application.

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you will need a source version license, I've already created a sql plugin support mysql and sqlite(these are my only need), it's very easy to do this. and I don't think other database server is a problem, also, using database as filesystem is also easy with plugin, but of course you will need the engine source to do some modification.

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My company is planning for buying the source version license .but must cost some little time.

I must be familiar with it at full speed.

But I know that your source code is keeping secret.

So can you give me some thinking or pseudocode for reference.

Thank you!

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In your MyPlugin::init() method you have to register in UnigineScript the methods and classes to start, finish and execute DB operations:

int PicPlugin::init()

 ExternClass<Unigine_d_query> *d_queryclass= MakeExternClass<Unigine_d_query>();

 // ...




Once Unigine is running, in world script, the connection is started:


int init() {


 //start cache connection
 if(!pic.startPlatform(server,port,namespace,"DBUSER","DBPASS")) {
   log.error("[init()] Pic platform Pic can't be initialized ('%s','%s','%s'). Shutting down the application.",server,port,namespace);
   goto cant_run;

 // ...

 /* d_query Test */
 /* ------------ */
 //create d_query on UnigineScript
 d_query q= class_manage(new d_query());

 q.execute("SELECT Name,Camera,IP FROM app.camera");
 while(q.fetch()) {
   string name= q.get_data_str();
   string cam= q.get_data_int();
   string ip= q.get_data_str();
   log.message("[%s] Cam:%d IP:%s",name,cam,ip);
 delete q;

 return 1


Basically, in the plugin you have to implement the data base operations using C++, then you have to create and interface for UnigineScript in order to use those functions and data types in your game/app scripts.

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I find a article in unigine document of "Dynamically Loading Library as Plugin".

I cann't find these files in unigine install package.("UnigineInterpreter.h","UniginePlugin.h" )

Are these files saved in source version license?

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yuwen.xiang, there is no access to Unigine C++ API from evaluation kit.


danni.coy, steve3d and ivan.cuevas are right. To be able to work with databases you will need to extend Unigine functionality with your own C++ plugin. There are several plugins in binary/source kit (but not with database access functionality), so you will be able to use them as a reference to Unigine plugins system.

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  • 1 month later...

HI all!

how the data record save from reading database by c++ plugin? how do to reload the db data record in unigine.I use "-extern_plugin" load c++ plugin.but it run in frist init in unigine.i don't know how to save the data and for unigine use . how process the memory ???

thank you!

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