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[SOLVED] ObjectMeshDynamic data clearing


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I'm having some trouble with ObjectMeshDynamic. I want to be able to clear all the data (verts, indicies, etc...) from this object so I can add new data. Previously I was doing this by deleteing the node and creating a new one, but now this won't do as it does not retain its node id and thus causes problems with my custom undo/redo stack. So I tried using the functions clearSurfaces(), clearVertex(), clearIndices() and then adding the new mesh data afterwards. These functions however do not correctly reset the ObjectMeshDynamic as I do not get the correct mesh, some data is clearly being left in the object that is preventing me from essentially, reshaping my object.


Why is my object not being cleared corrrectly? Are the functions not designed for this? Will there ever be any remove functions for ObjectMeshDynamic?

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Call ObjectMeshDynamic::flush() after mesh data modifications for uploading changes to GPU


// create connectors geometry
ObjectMeshDynamic connectors = node_cast( engine.editor.getNode( connectorsID ) );


for( int i=0; i<200; i++ )
       float longitudeStartDegrees = rand( -180.0f, 180.0f );
float latitudeStartDegrees  = rand( -60.0f, 60.0f );

float longitudeEndDegrees   = rand( -180.0f, 180.0f );
float latitudeEndDegrees    = rand( -60.0f, 60.0f );

float timestamp = float(i) * 10.0f;

createConnector( connectors, 
	         timestamp );


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Hi Carl,


Try this use case:

1. Clear mesh data via clearSurfaces() \ clearVertex() \ clearIndices() calls

2. Fill mesh with new data

3. Call flush() to upload new data to GPU


Does it solve your problem?

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I was calling flush in the wrong place. I was doing step 3 before I was doing step 2. It is working fine now thank you.


Have you considered implementing script functions to remove/clear only specified verts, indicies and surfaces? It's not a necessity for me, but I imagine I could optimise my code by only changing the parts of the dynamic mesh that I needed to change rather than clearing and redeclaring what will mostly be the same mesh with some minor modifications.

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The problem is if you'll delete any vertex then index buffer become invalid by pointing at different vertices. So, we do not plan to add this functionality.

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