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Negative projection value for Clutter masks

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It would be ideal if the clutter node would get the option to check intersection from +Z or -Z in Unigine, this way it would project from bottom or top so instead of using a split sphere or cave you could use 1 Mesh with 2 different clutter masks.


Is this even possible with the current code?

This feature would be very usefull for our project as we will have 2 very large caves which we already built modular so we can easily modify the shape

but with still having to place all of the decorative meshes manually it kind of takes away the modular approach


I also guess this would need some sort of ignore backfacing faces option or maybe a value of the degrees of face normals ranging from angle from 0 to 90 which is specified by the user?

It definately needs something as atm I cant get it to work with a cave mesh at all, I tested a clutter node on a regular sphere and an inverted sphere and for some reason the clutter wont appear on the inverted sphere

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  • 2 weeks later...

In its current implementation WorldClutter checks a bounding sphere of the parent object from top to the bottom. If it encounters a normal pointing downwards, nothing is rendered. World Clutter can be used inthe following ways.


* You can rotate a WorldClutter, so it scatters reference nodes from the bottom point to top one. Note that plane in the background on the picture is rotated, a WorldClutter rotation = 0 (it would not have worked otherwise).

You can use Angle parameter to limit the area of scattering. 0 angle = all available surfaces (based on the current angle of WorldClutter rotation).




* Create a separate object for intersecting with WorldClutter: a simple mesh that won't be rendered (set via a viewport mask).

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Thanks for the explaining, didnt know I could just rotate the clutter to render from bottom to top

Still 1 issue I can create a seperate object that wont be rendered and reverse the normals on that and rotate the clutter in order to get it to work but my cave is using tesselation

so the seperate object would have quite a lot of polygons in order to match the shape of the cave, does this make matter for the framerate? Because it isnt rendered anyway but still the clutter is being calculated on the complex object


Would it also work if I would duplicate the cave surface with reversed normals and export it as 2 surfaces

Inside Cave surface with normals facing inward and outside surface with normals facing outward and then disabling the shape under the surfaces?


When i disable the terrain all my clutter nodes are still drawn as if the terrain is still there

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