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Terrain Crack


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If these cracks appear between Surfaces/Patches of a single ObjectTerrain increase LOD distance. See this thread for details.


If you use more than one ObjectTerrain (as you stated ObjectTerrains) and these cracks appear between multiple ObjectTerrain instances, than there is no solid solution with current Unigine implementation which has been designed for single ObjectTerrain instance usage.

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And how do you get rid of cracks that appear that dont have anything to do with the LOD's? I got a few of these crasks on a part of the terrain which doesnt seem to have much detail

They do appear on the edge of the surface, it seems the vertices just dont line up


I just noticed these cracks seem to appear when ive editted my terrain, I added a hole and altered the terrain slightly to add a cave and now the surface appears to get small cracks

I cna remove them by editting the terrain again but sometimes it does make new cracks on other surface seams

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Well, this sounds more like a bug than a feature. Can you reproduce the problem with the provided UNIGINE terrain sample ? If so just post you exact working steps and maybe another screenshot for problem illustration.

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Well, this sounds more like a bug than a feature. Can you reproduce the problem with the provided UNIGINE terrain sample ? If so just post you exact working steps and maybe another screenshot for problem illustration.


Will try to reproduce it with the terrain samples



I tried to reproduce it with one of the terrain samples but it seems these are fine so it must be a problem with our terrain

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I cant seem to reproduce this problem in a smaller scene, I do have an easy fix for it

I just create a terrain based on a heightmap, edit everything so the terrain has a hole texture and everything then I just export the heightmap from and reimport it


This gets rid of all the cracks in the terrain

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