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Crash when using Ctrl + Z on terrain node


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When im changing values on my terrain node such as detail material scale or any value for that matter and I press Ctrl + Z the editor immeaditly crashes

This didnt happen before the latest update

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Hi, can you specify what exactly are you doing? cause, when i try to reproduce it on the samples: terrain_00 or terrain_01, everything seems to work:

I change terrain parameters (material scale) and press Ctrl+Z - the value returns to the previous


can you attach log.html file with crash?

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I just tried reproducing the crahs in one of the samples but it doesnt seem to crash, but whenever I try it in my own world it crashes immeaditly

Maybe it has something to do with the size and complexity of the terrain? We are using a 8193x8193 terrain


I can attach the log.html file but it doesnt appear to save anything about the crash

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Can you provide a minimal test scene, where you experience crash? Because just enlarging the terrain had no effect.

And log.html will be useful too, cause there are different parameters there, which i can use to reproduce the bug.


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I just tried reproducing the crahs in one of the samples but it doesnt seem to crash, but whenever I try it in my own world it crashes immeaditly

Maybe it has something to do with the size and complexity of the terrain? We are using a 8193x8193 terrain

Hardly so. I've just tried on 8193x8193 terrain - no crashing.

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Hardly so. I've just tried on 8193x8193 terrain - no crashing.


Could it be crashing because of a high height value of the terrain? We are using a height value of 1950 (sea floor - top of mountain)

Or any idea why it could be crashing then?

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Yes, the crash is confirmed, it's dependable on the terrain size. Fixed for new binaries (March 11 - that's why we couldn't reproduce it asap), will be in the next update.

Thanks for your help

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Yes, the crash is confirmed, it's dependable on the terrain size. Fixed for new binaries (March 11 - that's why we couldn't reproduce it asap), will be in the next update.

Thanks for your help


Oh great to hear its not just me then

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