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Copy/Paste Node's XML data


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In the Unreal engine, you have the ability to copy and paste objects within the editor. This is done by copying all of the objects XML data from the world to the clipboard, and when you paste that data back into the editor it will re-create that object from the data (all done with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in a viewport) retaining all of its settings and transforms. It would be awesome if Unigine had this feature as well. Not only is it great for simply copy/paste operations, but the data can also be saved in text files or pasted into instant messages and emails. Also, since the data is stored into the clipboard, it will persist even if the editor is closed and re-opened.

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The functionality for this sort of already exists, it just isn't accessible via copy/paste.

To export node data, go to the Nodes window and select the node you want, then click the second to last button on the toolbar "Export selected node with all the children into the file".

To import node data, click "Add a node" on the main Unigine toolbar, then the forth button down "Import node".

Seems that it should be fairly easy to wire this up to Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V.

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ya, that does add a bit of time to things especially if you want to do a lot of objects quickly. Also, in Unreal, the same applies not only for nodes in the world, but also the visual scripting nodes, matinee tracks/groups, and other area's around the editor.

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Thats too bad. It's a feature I find myself using with the unreal editor a lot. Especially when I need two separate levels open at the same time and need to copy nodes out of one level, and paste them easily into another.

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