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[SOLVED] Adding JavaFX 2.0 Capability to Unigine over JNI


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Hello , i want to add some of my JavaFX addons to my engine.

But there is some problems ,

I donno how to access HWND on Windows side to embed my javafx code.

Can someone help how to access HWND on C++ side?

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No way , i think you are giving script side solution here is my code on visual studio :

/* Copyright © 2005-2011, Unigine Corp. All rights reserved.


* File: main.cpp

* Desc: Unigine application

* Version: 1.01

* Author: Alexander Zaprjagaev <frustum@unigine.com>


* This file is part of the Unigine engine (http://unigine.com/).


* Your use and or redistribution of this software in source and / or

* binary form, with or without modification, is subject to: (i) your

* ongoing acceptance of and compliance with the terms and conditions of

* the Unigine License Agreement; and (ii) your inclusion of this notice

* in any version of this software that you use or redistribute.

* A copy of the Unigine License Agreement is available by contacting

* Unigine Corp. at http://unigine.com/



#include <Unigine.h>

#include <UnigineInterpreter.h>



using namespace Unigine;







// 1. Create an extern function that receives a script node as a smart pointer NodePtr

void my_node_set(NodePtr node) {

// 1.1. Call the node member function exposed through the C++ API






int main(int argc,char **argv) {


Engine *engine = Engine::init(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv);







return 0;



how to reach HWND on C++ side?

i will push java virtual machine on there and need to access

raw OpenGL.

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Unigine::App is a C++ API class:


#include <Unigine.h>
#include <UnigineApp.h>

using namespace Unigine;

int main(int argc,char **argv) {

 Engine *engine = Engine::init(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv);

 HWND window = (HWND)App::get()->getHandle();



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I've added but had problem :HWND window = (HWND)App::get()->getHandle();


1>------ Build started: Project: main_vc2010, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------

1>Build started 08/02/2012 23:38:02.


1> Touching "Debug\main_vc2010.unsuccessfulbuild".


1> main.cpp

1>main.cpp(47): error C2027: use of undefined type 'Unigine::App'

1> C:\UnigineSDK\include\Unigine.h(36) : see declaration of 'Unigine::App'

1>main.cpp(47): error C2227: left of '->getHandle' must point to class/struct/union/generic type

1> type is ''unknown-type''

1>main.cpp(47): error C3861: 'get': identifier not found


1>Build FAILED.


1>Time Elapsed 00:00:00.58

========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

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Are you absolutely sure that you've included UnigineApp.h? You can check source/plugins/Interface/Interface.cpp for reference, where the handle is returned without any problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried this:


/* Copyright (C) 2005-2011, Unigine Corp. All rights reserved.
* File:	main.cpp
* Desc:	Unigine application
* Version: 1.01
* Author:  Alexander Zaprjagaev <frustum@unigine.com>
* This file is part of the Unigine engine (http://unigine.com/).
* Your use and or redistribution of this software in source and / or
* binary form, with or without modification, is subject to: (i) your
* ongoing acceptance of and compliance with the terms and conditions of
* the Unigine License Agreement; and (ii) your inclusion of this notice
* in any version of this software that you use or redistribute.
* A copy of the Unigine License Agreement is available by contacting
* Unigine Corp. at http://unigine.com/
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Unigine.h>
#include <UnigineInterpreter.h>
using namespace Unigine;

// 1. Create an extern function that receives a script node as a smart pointer NodePtr
void my_node_set(NodePtr node) {
// 1.1. Call the node member function exposed through the C++ API
void do_smth_with_window(HWND hWnd) {

int main(int argc,char **argv) {

Engine *engine = Engine::init(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv);
//HWND window = (HWND)Unigine::App::get()->getHandle();

HWND window = (HWND)App::get()->getHandle();

//App* app = Unigine::App;
//engine->getAppPath() setIcon(new Image("my_icon.png"));
//engine.app.setIcon(new Image("my_icon.png"));


return 0;


When i try to compile code up , i've got this error on compilation:


1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: main_vc2010, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------

1>Build started 25/02/2012 17:03:50.


1> Deleting file "Debug\main_vc2010.lastbuildstate".


1> Touching "Debug\main_vc2010.unsuccessfulbuild".


1> main.cpp

1>main.cpp(47): error C2027: use of undefined type 'Unigine::App'

1> C:\UnigineSDK\include\Unigine.h(36) : see declaration of 'Unigine::App'

1>main.cpp(47): error C2227: left of '->getHandle' must point to class/struct/union/generic type

1> type is ''unknown-type''

1>main.cpp(47): error C3861: 'get': identifier not found


1>Build FAILED.


1>Time Elapsed 00:00:00.55

========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

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/* Copyright © 2005-2011, Unigine Corp. All rights reserved.


* File: main.cpp

* Desc: Unigine application

* Version: 1.01

* Author: Alexander Zaprjagaev <frustum@unigine.com>


* This file is part of the Unigine engine (http://unigine.com/).


* Your use and or redistribution of this software in source and / or

* binary form, with or without modification, is subject to: (i) your

* ongoing acceptance of and compliance with the terms and conditions of

* the Unigine License Agreement; and (ii) your inclusion of this notice

* in any version of this software that you use or redistribute.

* A copy of the Unigine License Agreement is available by contacting

* Unigine Corp. at http://unigine.com/


#include <Windows.h>

#include <Unigine.h>

#include <UnigineInterpreter.h>

#include <UnigineImage.h>

#include <UnigineApp.h> //<-- included this but same problem persists



using namespace Unigine;





// 0. ImagePtr must be defined as a global variable

ImagePtr image;

// 1.1. Create an image in the Unigine memory pool through ImagePtr smart pointer

ImagePtr my_image_create_0() {


image = Image::create();

// 1.2. Specify parameters of the image and fill it with black color



return image;







// 1. Create an extern function that receives a script node as a smart pointer NodePtr

void my_node_set(NodePtr node) {

// 1.1. Call the node member function exposed through the C++ API




void do_smth_with_window(HWND hWnd) {






int main(int argc,char **argv) {


Engine *engine = Engine::init(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv);


// 2. Register the function for export into Unigine


HWND window = (HWND)App::get()->getHandle();



//HWND window = (HWND)App::get()->getHandle();


//App* app = Unigine::App;




//const char *datapath = engine->getDataPath();

//printf("Data path:");



//engine->getAppPath() setIcon(new Image("my_icon.png"));




//engine.app.setIcon(new Image("my_icon.png"));








return 0;







1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: main_vc2010, Configuration: Release Win32 ------

1>Build started 27/02/2012 18:13:55.


1> Deleting file "Release\main_vc2010.lastbuildstate".


1> Touching "Release\main_vc2010.unsuccessfulbuild".


1> main.cpp

1>main.cpp(64): error C2039: 'getHandle' : is not a member of 'Unigine::App'

1> C:\UnigineSDK\include\UnigineApp.h(32) : see declaration of 'Unigine::App'


1>Build FAILED.


1>Time Elapsed 00:00:00.61

========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

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What SDK version do you use? Check include/UnigineApp.h, there should be the following function:


virtual void *getHandle() = 0;

If not, you need a later version: getting a window handle via this function was added at your request in 2011-12-28 SDK.

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  • 6 months later...

only the latest SDK version is available for download. It's a good idea to have a local backup copy of each version. Matching SDK documentation for each version can always be found in <SDK>\docs folder.

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