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What are my options for making waterfalls?


I am thinking 2 types of the waterfalls:


1. A river bed that breaks suddenly at a cliff (player can be around, get into the river can be carried into the waterfall and fall)


2. Small or big unreachable waterfalls for decorative purposes



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My approach for waterfall is very far from perfect, mostly cause of textures and lack of adequate floating water materials.

First of all, there is particle emmiter that simulates water drops falling from the cliff. There are deflectors at the lake level and at separate stones.

Second there is a decal with animated texture that acts as a 'background' for waterfall. I think regular mesh could be used instead.

Also may be one more particle system or volume fog is needed at lake level to simulate reflected drops.

I'll try to make separate scene for this effect and post here. May be with 'collective mind' we'll be able to make it more realistic.

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I like the motion (from the video) of the water. It seems to be realistic from the distance. Could you please record a video of the waterfall exclusively ?


The way I approached making a small waterfall in Steel Storm, was making a mesh for the stream of water (2 layers, one water and one foam), animating it slightly with deformVertexes shader command, adding cubemap reflections and adding particles where water begins falling and where it hits the surface (mind you, all that is in Darkplaces engine).

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I'll try to record a video for you tomorrow, among with simple .node file and scene based on default Unigine samples. From your side I'll be glad to see some improvements oto make waterfalls more realistic. I.e. in Skyrim the are almost no water drop particles but some kind of 'splash' particles instead.

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I have to brainstorm it and get used to Unigine tools first. We are also on the verge of releasing alpha of our new game, Tomes of Mephistopheles.


Btw, Crysis has the same kind of splash looking particles.

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