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full-resolution lens (bokeh) filter. Is it brokehn?


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I've been implemting DOF into my project. Gaussian blur and half-screen sized lens (bokeh) filter work fine, but when I switch to full-resolution lens (bokeh) filter, I get the following artifact (see image)




As you can see across the door, the blur has just gone straight across the centre of my screen, the focal distance is set to that of the door. I don't know the difference between a half or a full bokeh but from the result this looks as if its not correct. So I'm just highlighting the issue, I can mange without this if it is in fact not working as it should.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know the difference between a half or a full bokeh but from the result this looks as if its not correct.

The difference between render_dof 2 and 3 is the size of the buffer used for blurring of the screen image:

  • 2 is to to use a buffer two times smaller then a screen buffer
  • 3 is to use a buffer of the same size as the screen image. This mode was mostly designed to capture cinematic video, as it is more accurate in small details, but slower. Half screen (2) is a way better choice for real time.

In your case, it really looks like Far blur range is set to 0, which creates a visible line between blurred and non-blurred areas. Check the attached images, full-screen bokeh is working fine.



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I've moved on from the issue since I posted this and I do believe it is entirely possible that the issue was what you have stated, but what I find strange is that it only happened when I was in render_dof 3. Thanks for the clarification on the modes, if I find the issue happens again and can't fix it with the blur range then I'll know where to come :-)

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