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mesh leaf normal bug


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normal map не работает на материале mesh_leaf.

одна и та же текстура работает c mesh_base и c mesh_stem, но не работает с mesh_leaf






normal map is not working on the material mesh_leaf.

texture works correctly with mesh_base and mesh_stem, but does not work with mesh_leaf

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The reason is, that mesh_leaf actually doesn't support normal maps. Next year we are planning upgrading of the vegetation system, so may be things will change.

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в документации четко сказано о том что normal поддерживается! было создано много контента с расчетом на на это и теперь оказывается ВДРУГ что это не работает?!


documentation clearly states that what normal is supported! was created a lot of content c normal map - and suddenly it does not work?


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Normal map works for the mesh_leaf_base, uncheck "Force deferred lights" for the light sources. Or just set the render_deferred to anything but 2, to view the parameter, type render_deferred in the console. To set it, type render_deferred Value, where Value is from {0,1,2}.


On the left side - without normal map, on the right - the normal map is applied: 1323678356_with_normal2.png

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мы перепробовали все варианты - не работает, пришлите пожалуйста пример где нормал мап работает с mesh_lef_base

We tried all the options and they does not work, please send a test world with working normal map in mesh_leaf_base

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From samples/materials load the world leaf_01, it's actually the one, where I've checked whether anything changes with normal map assigning to the mesh_leaf. It seems to work alright.

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причина найдена - в настройке материала mesh_leaf параметр light world rendering pass должен быть не Default, а Phong

от всего коллектива выражаем огромную признательность методу тыка


cause is found - to set the material parameter mesh_leaf light world rendering pass should be Phong, but not by Default

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  • 1 month later...

We are sorry, you are absolutely right! This option was added later on, after mesh_leaf_base and the vegetation tutorial were written - that's the reason it was not described properly. I've updated both of these articles, so that nobody steps on the same rake.

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