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Direct3D9 error: invalid call


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Any ideas on this? Converted our project to the new version of the SDK and hit it up, saying this:


---- Editor ----

Version: 0.58


Editor::editor_load(): editor is already loaded

Unigine~# world_load relics_of_annorath/merasurien

Loading "relics_of_annorath/merasurien.cpp" 0ms

Loading "relics_of_annorath/materials/terrains.mat" 2 materials 0ms

ImageFileDDS::info(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/dummies/fire_smoke.dds" file

ImageFileDDS::info(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/dummies/fire_smoke.dds" file

ImageFileDDS::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/dummies/fire_smoke.dds" file

ImageFilePNG::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/environment/sky/sky_bg_spring_morning_sunny.png" file

ImageFilePNG::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/environment/sky/sky_bg_spring_day_covered.png" file

Direct3D9 error: invalid call

D3D9Texture::create(): can't create DXT1 62x31 2D texture

ImageFileJPEG::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/environment/sky/skysunset_003.1.jpg" file

ImageFilePNG::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/environment/sky/sky_bg_spring_day_sunny.png" file

Direct3D9 error: invalid call

D3D9Texture::create(): can't create DXT1 62x31 2D texture

ImageFilePNG::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/environment/sky/sky_bg_spring_night_sunny.png" file

ImageFileJPEG::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/environment/sky/west_sky_fall_night_clear.jpg" file

ImageFilePNG::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/environment/sky/sky_bg_spring_sunrise_sunny.png" file

ImageFilePNG::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/environment/sky/sky_bg_spring_morning_covered.png" file

ImageFilePNG::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/environment/sky/sky_bg_spring_night_covered.png" file

Loading "relics_of_annorath/materials/environment.mat" 37 materials 36ms

Direct3D9 error: invalid call

D3D9Texture::create(): can't create DXT5 18x43 2D texture

ImageFilePNG::load(): can't open "relics_of_annorath/textures/sfx/lightning_01.png" file

Loading "relics_of_annorath/materials/weather.mat" 6 materials 2ms

Loading "relics_of_annorath/materials/fauna_seas.mat" 2 materials 8ms

Loading "relics_of_annorath/materials/flora_trees.mat" 21 materials 79ms

Loading "relics_of_annorath/materials/flora_grasses.mat" 7 materials 63ms

Direct3D9 error: invalid call

D3D9Texture::create(): can't create DXT5 43x43 2D texture

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can't create DXT5 18x43 2D texture

can't create DXT1 62x31 2D texture

can't create DXT1 62x31 2D texture

can't create DXT5 43x43 2D texture


I think the log file already give you enough information about why..

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* <width> is not a multiple of four, <width> plus <xoffset> is not equal to TEXTURE_WIDTH, and either <xoffset> or <yoffset> is non-zero;


* <height> is not a multiple of four, <height> plus <yoffset> is not equal to TEXTURE_HEIGHT, and either <xoffset> or <yoffset> is non-zero; or


* <xoffset> or <yoffset> is not a multiple of four.


But why this error only comes with the new version.

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