Release build made in Visual Studio 2019 (ver. 16.0.1) for x86 is crashing.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create new default UNIGINE project.
2) Open project source code in VS2019.
3) Build Release configuration for x86 platform.
4) Run.
After loading world there is an error - "Memory::allocate(): Can't allocate 134217728 bytes".
The stack trace is:
> msvcr120.dll!memset(unsigned char * dst, unsigned char value, unsigned long count)Строка 87 Нет данных
Unigine_double_x86.dll!MicroProfileLogPut(unsigned __int64,unsigned __int64,unsigned __int64,struct MicroProfileThreadLog *) C++
Unigine_double_x86.dll!MicroProfileEnter(unsigned __int64) C++
Unigine_double_x86.dll!Physics::update(void) C++
Unigine_double_x86.dll!Physics::update_thread(int,int) C++
Unigine_double_x86.dll!CPUThread::process(void) C++
Unigine_double_x86.dll!Thread::thread_handler(void *) C++
kernel32.dll!@BaseThreadInitThunk@12() Нет данных
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart() Нет данных
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart@8() Нет данных
P.S.: Release build for x64 is OK as well as Debug builds.