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Found 3 results

  1. controlling your new character

    Hello, I am using Unigine for my BA-Thesis work (ongoing)... It's the first time I run my program... I want the cam to move over the shoulder of my character, so I can see her in all her beauty! Is there a corresponding keyboard command (or combination)? Thanks for your help, Rainer
  2. Hi, Unigine. I have a question about Animation. I add Transform Node include Spline Path in editor mode. And added Box mesh child. like this(see Attach file). If spline path is in camera's Field of View, animation is playing. But if spling path is out camera's Field of View, animation is not playing. I want to play animation all of time. Not use script. What can I control Anmation? Have some option? Does not exist Solution??
  3. Camera angle of view question

    Hi all! I use the WidgetLabel to display chinese for node property.but i didn't have good result. The text displaied not right from different perspective in the attached picture. how to solve this question?
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