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  1. We’d like to thank all of our users for their valuable feedback helping us get better. So, in this hotfix, we resolved a number of issues introduced in 2.14.1 and made our tools easier to use. Engine Added a new Alpha Intensity parameter to control the impact of the Alpha-channel of the Coverage texture on cloud density. Fixed a crash on switching the Landscape Streaming Preset to Extreme Quality. Fixed resizing of the WidgetWindow depending on the content size. Fixed slight physics-related jittering of objects noticeable when rendering framerate is higher than the physics one. Fixed issues with the Velocity buffer for the water_mesh material resulting in visual artefacts (shaking, blinking, etc.) on water meshes. Fixed alignment of Grass and Mesh Clutters with the surface of the Landscape Terrain. Fixed updating of Landscape Terrain extremum LODs making brushes work correctly at small angles between the surface and camera view direction. IG Template Fixed an issue with the timezone parameter in the IG Config file, it is now taken into account properly. The datetime console command now displays the time zone and GMT-time. Sandworm Tool Optimized generation process for large raster data sources (ECW & JP2) providing a 10x performance boost. Replaced absolute paths with GUIDs to be used as references to source .mesh files when generating objects based on vector data. Fixed issues with missing GUIDs of new *.lmap files after successful generation Fixed issues with the AssetManager failing to notify the Engine, when a folder containing *.lmap files is deleted. Fixed saving the Bake To Cluster state to *.sworm project parameters. Fixed generation of Point-objects placed in accordance with vector data. Fixed incorrect masks generation. Node hierarchies cannot be used for generation of roads, vegetation, and point objects. The size of the MeshClutter containing objects scattered across the LandscapeTerrain in accordance with the specified mask is now defined by the size of the corresponding data source area. Fixed issues with incorrect calculation of projection bounds. Fixed an Editor crash on editing parameters of tag attributes (renaming, adding, removing lines, etc.). Fixed wrong Sandworm camera positioning in the Editor after successful Landscape generation. All changes made to data sources used in the projects are now applied automatically. Added a spinbox enabling you to manually set Threshold values for tags. Fixed an issue with saving modified parameter values of tag attributes. The information on the required disk space required for terrain generation and the cache is now updated more frequently. Samples and Demos The Fox Hole Demo is now available for Linux. Documentation We have added a new version of the Programming Quick Start tutorial for both C++ and C# programmers to replace the old one. The new tutorial uses the component-based approach, contains a part that can be used for quick reference, and enables you to get up and running fast. We'd also like to introduce a new Docs Sample Content add-on as a container to deliver all content used in samples and tutorials throughout the Documentation. At the moment it contains assets for the new Programming Quick Start tutorial, more content is to be added. In addition to growing Chinese and Russian versions of the documentation, we have implemented a quick automatic translation feature for multiple languages.
  2. Your feedback via all our channels has helped us resolve a number of issues introduced in 2.13. Thank you all for your contribution to making UNIGINE better! UnigineEditor Fixed a сrash on setting a name of a non-existing mesh in the Mesh field of the MeshStatic object. Fixed incorrect rendering of imagery data of the Landscape Terrain generated by the Sandworm tool, in case of different values of the Zoom factor. The default Zoom factor for terrain generation has changed from 0 to 5. Fixed a crash on generating a Landscape Terrain again above the existing data via the Sandworm tool. Fixed a crash on processing large files by the Sandworm tool. The Sandworm tool shall now modify the world’s ‘changed’ state after generating a new Landscape Terrain, so the user will be prompted to save changes in case of closing the world. The Sandworm tool now correctly generated vegetation and other objects for masks in both Single Channel and Color modes. Fixed imagery artefacts along the contours of tiles when generating a Landscape Terrain via the Sandworm tool. Fixed an issue with Runtimes Generator sometimes leading to generation of invalid .prop files for C# components. Fixed an issue with the PlayerSpectator resulting in flipping of the image rendered by the camera and inversion of controls in case the rotation angle of the camera around the Z-axis exceeds 180 degrees. Engine Fixed lightmap flickering artefacts for surfaces using a custom pre-baked texture. Fixed rendering of images from multiple cameras by the AppWall plugin. Fixed incorrect planar reflections in case of setting lower values of Downsampling rendering for clouds. Fixed an issue related to ObjectMeshDynamic update sometimes resulting in objects disappearing at certain camera angles. Fixed extensive error logging when using images of inappropriate format as masks for Grass and MeshClutter objects. Fixed flickering of WaterMesh objects when TAA is enabled. Fixed incorrect rendering of transparent shadows for objects having the mesh_base material with the corresponding option assigned. Fixed an issue causing a significant slowdown of shadows rendering. Fixed an issue with including the UnigineInput.h header file for projects based on 2.13 SDK. Fixed an issue with clamping an image in the viewport to the main window of a WPF application. Fixed a crash on closing the wpf_multiple_window application via the quit command. Syncker + IG Template Fixed synchronization of entities after reloading a database. No more errors in the console on a Slave when adding an entity to a scene. Fixed a crash on enabling precipitations in a system having more than Slave. Coordinates for precipitations are also set correctly now. All comments and entity identifiers (DIS) are now preserved when re-writing the ig_config.xml file. Fixed a Syncker crash on switching between worlds (world_load). Fixed an issue with incorrect rendering of particle systems on Slaves. Entity type name (from ig_config.xml) has been added to the IG Debug. Fixed a crash on reloading a database when the DISConnector is connected. Changed the way clamping works in Entity Control packages. The Altitude value now specifies an offset above the terrain or sea level, when Ground/Ocean Clamp parameter is set to Non-Conformal. By default clamping works in a new way, if you want to keep the previous way, you'll either have to pass a zero height value or change height clamping mode via API as follows: entity->setGroundClampHeightMode(CLAMP_HEIGHT_MODE::IGNORE) A new Offscreen Render sample has been added to the Sim SDK (\source\samples\Api\Render\Offscreen). The sample demonstrates graphics context creation with periodical saving of screenshots (currently available for DirectX only). The updated version of the documentation is available as 2.13.
  3. Thanks everyone for the provided feedback! The latest update includes a lot of bugfixes alongside with small, but handy improvements. SDK and Add-Ons are already hit the production server, Demos are on their way! Improvements Up to 4 times import speed improvement for the LandscapeTerrain. Microprofile now shows synchronization points for Syncker plugin Better serialization for Curve2d (Curve2d::saveState/restoreState) Syncker API extended: added methods for user messages bufferization Fixed issues UnigineEditor Geometry is partially ignored in some FBX files on the import stage LandscapeTerrain brushes windows appears to be empty after docking it to the editor interface Texture preview in the material widget now have correct size Engine Engine ignores runtime links if the asset file was removed Enabling Vsync with Linux causes engine to render empty scene Planar reflections artifacts with dynamic reflections enabled C# plugins crashes engine on the startup AppVarjo renders black screen AppVarjo camera randomly shakes in some cases Engine can’t correctly load guids.db from a package (archive) UnigineScript cache loading not working Tag <extern_plugins> is ignored in the default.boot configuration file Engine window loses focus when starting with AppVive plugin Syncker plugin asynchronous mode not working properly Incorrect particle system synchronization Demos Reconfigured clouds material in the Procedural City Generation demo. Fixed crash for C# API/Widgets/WidgetWindows sample Fixed missing UI in C# API/Widgets/WidgetDialog sample Extra slaves mode support added for Syncker Demo Fixed Oil Refinery demo crash with OpenGL API Released Fox Hole and Procedural City Generation demos Known Issues Main WPF sample crashes on startup (OpenGL only)
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