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Found 14 results

  1. To solve a need we had, the below code will copy Blender keyframe animation to a CSV file. It writes out location and rotation only. Data is stored as XYZ position, Quaternion rotation. Axis conversion is done in the script so the values from the CSV file can be used directly. import bpy import os from math import degrees from bpy_extras.io_utils import axis_conversion def loc_rot_to_file(context, filepath): blender_to_unigine = axis_conversion(from_forward='-Y', from_up='Z', to_forward='Y', to_up='Z').to_4x4() movement_object = bpy.context.selected_objects[0] mw = movement_object.matrix_world scene = context.scene frame = scene.frame_start f = open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') while frame <= scene.frame_end: scene.frame_set(frame) mw = movement_object.matrix_world mw = blender_to_unigine @ mw x, y, z = mw.to_translation() rw, rx, ry, rz = mw.to_quaternion() f.write("%d" % frame) f.write(", ") f.write("%0.9f, %0.9f, %0.9f" % (x, y, z)) f.write(", ") f.write("%0.9f, %0.9f, %0.9f, %0.9f" % (rw, rx, ry, rz)) f.write("\n") frame += 1 f.close() loc_rot_to_file(bpy.context, "d:/tmp/blenderdata.csv") To use, copy the code in to the "Scripting" panel in Blender, select the object you wish to save out, edit the destination file name and then "Run Script" in Blender to save it out. Warning: only lightly tested.
  2. Hello, I'm using unigine 2.3. I have an object made with 3dsmax which is skinned with the skinned modifier. I'm trying to import the .mesh of the skinned object into the engine. My issu is that I'm loosing the Smooting groups/ Vertex normal information. It works normally if I import de object without the skinning. I would really appreciate any help on this one :)
  3. Hi, is there a fast way to export a Node reference with all its subobjects (objects,meshes,materials,textures) into a single folder. Our Artist imported a fbx file in Unigine Editor and I want only the converted assets, to load it later with the c++ api on the fly at any given location in the filesystem dynamically. I know, that they are saved in the .runtime folder, but it is hard to search for every object/mesh/material/texture manually with a few hundred subobjects uglyfied. Thanks, Sebastian
  4. Hi, We would like to work with FBX files exported from Maya, and transmit some "metadata" (custom information) into a node to Unigine. Here is a brief description of our pipeline : 1) Into Maya: we add some metadata into a node in a scene. 2) Into Maya: we export the scene to FBX (The export keeps the metadata). 3) Into Unigine: we import the FBX file with the FBX import plugin. 4) Into Unigine: we have the hierarchy and the nodes, but we have lost the metadata. Is there a way to transmit metadata from Maya to Unigine within a FBX File ?
  5. Hello, I made one camera motion using trakcer in scene and i wanted to take render sequences for video of scene within camera motion. I used video grabber but didn't get good quality sequences. waiting for your suggestions, ideas, methods to take render quality sequences.... i hope to hear from you soon....... Mayur patel
  6. Hi, I was wondering if there is/will be a .Mesh export plugin for 3dsMax 2017. The current one for 3dsMax 2016 does not work in the 2017 version. thanks in advance!
  7. I'm in the process of migrating our Unigine 1 world and assets to Unigine 2, but I've run into a snag. I've made a lot of adjustments to the terrain from within Unigine, so I need to export the height map for import into Unigine 2. The problem is that it immediately crashes when I click the height map export button. Is there a workaround for this, or a way to import my Unigine 1 terrain into Unigine 2?
  8. Hi, In the attached .max file (version 2015) there is a Cylinder with two EditPoly before a Skin modifier. When you export it, the resulting mesh ignores all the modifiers between the Cylinder and the Skin. Thanks, Iván. cylinder.zip
  9. When I export my mesh from max it appears fine in engine. When I export as node I get errors saying can't load .mat, can't load .mesh. I have tried all of the different settings in the node export tool with no success...
  10. Обновление 2013-02-11. Проблема с новым плагином для 3ds Max 2011. Изменен формат имен поверхностей меша. Был изменен плагин к максу, но изменения не указаны в анонсе, что для нас вылилось в неприятный сюрприз. Изменен формат экспорта мешей, а именно, алгоритм генерации имен поверхностей меша. Теперь в имя поверхности добавляется имя мульти-материала: было "имя меша" + "_" + "имя дочернего материала в мульти-материале" стало "имя меша" + "_" + "имя мульти-материала" + "_" + "имя дочернего материала в мульти-материале" У нас возникла проблема с экспортом новым плагином, так как в нашем проекте имена поверхностей строго стандартизированы. Необходим инструмент для изменения имен поверхностей экспортированного меша. In english: Update 2013-02-11. Problem with new 3ds max 2011 plugin. Changed the format of the names surface mesh. The Max plugin was changed, but the changes are not listed in the announcement, that turned into a nasty surprise for our team. The format of the export of meshes, namely, the generation algorithm names surface mesh. Now in the name of the surface is added multi-material name: before - "name of the mesh" + "_" + "name of the child material in multi-material" now - "name of the mesh" + "_" + "name of the multi-material" + "_" + "name of the child material in multi-material" We had a problem with the export with new plug-in, since in our project a name of surfaces are strictly standardized. We need tool for changes name of surfaces in the exported mesh.
  11. Is it possible to export enum types from C++ to UnigineScript. I couldn't find anything about this in the documentation. For example, if I want use a set of functions like the following in UnigineScript: enum State { STATE_0, ... STATE_i } void setState(State state); State getState();
  12. Could you please add IQM format support for Mesh Viewer? http://lee.fov120.com/iqm/ That would eliminate a need in Blender exporter as Blender already has outstanding export script for IQM format. That would allow a lot of indies to create content in Blender, export it into IQM, load IQM into Mesh Viewer and convert that into .smesh and .sanim. Thanks.
  13. I am thinking to find a Python coder who can help with creating a robust exporter into Unigine's mesh/animation format from Blender. What would I need to deliver to the coder so he could successfully develop such exporter?
  14. Would like something written into either the nodes or (preferably) meshes to keep track of the file that the asset was originally created from ie a link to the original max,maya etc file.
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