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Found 11 results

  1. Всем добрый день! Ищу разработчика C++ 3D на задачу разработки физической модели и редактора 3D для движка Unigine. Длительность проекта - 2,5 месяца с перспективой продолжения сотрудничества. Что делать - ТЗ в аттаче. Уровень финансов - вполне на уровне. Финансы и другие детали обговорим, если с вашей стороны будет интерес к продолжению разговора Если невозможно будет выполнить обе подзадачи (физическая модель и 3D редактор) одним программистом в обозначенные сроки - разделим на двоих программистов ТЗ на воксели.pdf
  2. hi I would like to find material in Materials list, but case-convention for material can differ. I am interested in way how to find material in case insensitive manner. Now I am using fore approach. void chane_material_on_object(Unigine::ObjectPtr& objPtr, std::string_view materialName) { for (int material_id = 0 ; material_id< Materials::getNumMaterials() ; ++material_id ) { if (aux::to_lower_case(Materials::getMaterialName(material_id)) == aux::to_lower_case(materialName)) { MaterialPtr const & material = Materials::getMaterial(material_id); for (int i = 0; i < objPtr->getNumSurfaces(); i++) { objPtr->setMaterial(material, i); } } } } Thanks for any help
  3. Hi Unigine Team, First : I must to say you , Thank you so much for public release unigine game engine , I used a bit unigine , this engine is amazing & awesome... Second : Big game dev team or small game dev team can make open world game or Big game with C# or C++ in unigine? Which Language With API Complete in Unigine? C# or C++? Three : Is it possible tell me, which games or simulate projects made with unigne website address? Sincerely Ahmad Karami A Teacher/Book author/Test engineer/Solo GameDev

    Hello UNIGINE_API Importer Can I check if there is no texture file when importing FBX file? If so, I wonder if there is a way for the user to specify that Texture path. Thank you.
  5. [SOLVED] The Socket is blocking

    Hi I play with Socket class and I been tried several scenarios. The class blocks even in unblocking mode. For sample: 1-The function Socket->gets() is blocking, return only when the remote server close the connection returned all receive as string. Include if you put it as nonblock() the socket. 2-If you use the function Socket->read(...) if the buffer is bigger that the receive Data it's pass right return the the data, but if buffer pass in Socket->read is smaller that the data receive then the second time that you try to read the rest of the data, this will blocking the thread too. Some of this scenarios I expose in the UnitTest attached Some snippet of the attach are here ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST_METHOD(SocketClientTrial) { Ptr<Socket> socket = Socket::create(Socket::SOCKET_STREAM); if (socket->open("localhost", Port)) { if (socket->connect()) { // Pass Ok /* char tmp[100]; int len = socket->read(tmp, 49 - 34); // <== Ok, tmp[len] = 0; Assert::AreEqual(tmp, "I am the server"); */ // NO PASS, IS BLOKING /* char tmp[100]; int len = socket->read(tmp, 5); // <= OK len = socket->read(&tmp[5], 100-5); // <= BLOKING HERE, THE SECOND TIME tmp[len+5] = 0; Assert::AreEqual(tmp, "I am the server"); */ String res = socket->gets(); // <= BLOKING HERE TOO Assert::AreEqual(res, "I am the server"); .... socket->listen(10); // Server socket->nonblock(); <-- using noblock parameter Ptr<Socket> asock = Socket::create(Socket::SOCKET_STREAM); while (1) { if (socket->accept(asock)) { asock->puts("I am the server"); String res = asock->gets(); // <= BLOKING HERE .... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /Roberto Socket01Trial.cpp
  6. I want to know how to create class"TrackerTrack"by C++ API?In another way ,I want to know thoes unigine scripts header<core/systems/tracker/tracker.h>,how to use in C++ API?
  7. Hi there I'm trying the change the origin and orientation of an object. It worked fine until I decided to include as well the orientation of the node. I started with the following approach: // // Didn't work - it could only take one of the two transformations UNIGINE_MAT4 apMat = nPtr->getWorldTransform(); apMat.setTranslate(UNIGINE_VEC3(ap.getLat(), ap.getLon(), ap.getAlt())); apMat.setRotateZ(ap.getRotZ()); But as result, my node changed only in the applied rotation. With my second approach, it works... Is this a bug or do I missunderstand the theorie? UNIGINE_MAT4 apMat = nPtr->getWorldTransform(); apMat.setRotateZ(ap.getRotZ()); apMat.setColumn3(3, UNIGINE_VEC3(ap.getLat(), ap.getLon(), ap.getAlt())); nPtr->setWorldTransform(apMat); Kind regards, Renato
  8. Hey chaps, Is it possible to append new imported nodes and height changes in the landscape into existing files, such as world file and landscape files? I'd like to change my world generically, save it and load it by an IG with communication. Thanks a lot Renato
  9. Hi there, I'm writing a plugin which reads out a list of airport locations and at each of this spots a dummy airport should be placed. I'm loading the airport as a Node of type ObjectMeshStatic and set the specific translation values in the transformation matrix. So far so good: Now, I'd like to adjust the terrain below this node. I was looking at the ObjectTerrain class, but didn't found an approach to what I'm looking for. Is the an approach by creating a bounding box around my dummy airport and change the height below it? Hope for some hints... Thanks a lot, Renato
  10. C++ API samples

    Hello, I'm working with the evaluation kit, and I've noticed that many of the C++ API samples (Lights, objects, players, etc.) use UnigineScript files to fill the scene in (with lights or objects). I've been trying to combine a few samples and get them to work on my own without the UnigineScripts, by creating the player, objects, and lights in C++ only, but so far I haven't gotten anything to appear on the screen. Are there some capabilities within UnigineScript that aren't possible with the C++ API? Or should I be able to get things working using C++ only? Thanks!
  11. [SOLVED] Loading image from memory/string

    Hi all, My intent is to integrate Unigine engine into existing multimedia framework. I hope this is the right place for this question. To make proof of concept application I need to find a way to load image/texture into engine. There is a Image class mentioned in script reference and in C++ API reference. I am guessing that Image object needs to be initialized with pixel data somehow. Only exposed methods are: int load(const char * name) int load(const char * name, int offset) The question is how to create image from pixel-data produced from external c++ code ? Is there some API function like `glTexImage2D` or `glTexSubImage2D` ?
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