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  1. Ubuntu 23.04 material graph window and bake lighting setting window not showing (there might be some others I missed) see image below
  2. Баг в material graph

    В окне смещается фон при создании параметра Desktop 2023.01.04 -
  3. Viewport appearence bug

    When using desktop scaling, view port frame appears incorrectly in Editor GUI. Linux Manjaro, KDE Plasma with 112,5% desktop scaling. Is it possible to fix it somehow without returning to 100% desktop scale?
  4. A fast rotating/rolling rigid body (sphere or cylinder) over a flat terrain bumps when moving. I've used a default LandscapeLayerMap, and have not edited it's shape, only size and position. I've added a C# component to the sphere/cylinder adding torque in one axis every frame at the UpdatePhysics() function. CS file is attached. My guess is that the terrain, even a flat one, uses a concave collision shape, and the rotating bodies bumps at the edges of internal triangles of the collision shape. I have this guess because the behaviour is the same over the default ground plane. But, if I add a BODY of type RIGID to the ground plane, set it to IMMOVABLE, and add a BOX as collision shape (a convex collision shape), the sphere or cylinder rotates smoothly, with no problems. I also have this guess because I've found the same bug in Godot Game Engine, which uses a port of Bullet physics engine: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/50463 I've tested changing the following parameters in the SETTINGS > PHYSICS (each of one alone or combined), with no difference: Stable FPS Determinism Sync Engine Update Update Mode Budget Iterations Context of why I am testing this type of behaviour: I have a physics based, arcade like, racing game made with Godot, that does not use a raycast model. Instead, I've made a custom solution with joints attaching rigid body wheels to a rigid body vehicle body. The motors of the joints add torque to the wheels, making the vehicle move. But due to the bug described, I can't expand the game to large terrains. I'm experimenting with Unigine to port my game to Unigine, because the physics in general looks rock solid. I'll continue my tests, but have already found this problem. Additional comments: I can attach the SOURCE and DATA folder from my project. I have not done it already because these two folder together are 500 MB in size, and I don't know if it's worthy it. The cylinder begans to make weird movements after the first bumps. I guess that's because the ObjectBodyRigid.AddTorque() function adds torque to the global/world axis. But the effect is only visible because of the first bumps, caused by the terrain. In the sphere video, the PERSECUTOR camera has some random movements. But they only happen when recording the video (I use Movavi). When not recording, the camera follows the sphere smoothly with no random movements. UnigineRollingBall.mp4 UnigineRollingCylinder.mp4 Ball.cs
  5. When attaching 2 rigid bodies with a FIXED JOINT, and the parent body is set to IMMOVABLE, the child body rotates if the ANCHOR 0 position is not zero. Also, the child body rotates in differente axis, depending on which axis the ANCHOR 0 position is changed. It only happens on the X and Y axis, not along the Z axis. If the parent body is not set to IMMOVABLE, this behaviour does not happens. Also, HINGE JOINTS have the same behaviour. UPDATE (second video): changing the parent body collision shape position has the same effect. UnigineFixedJoint.mp4 UnigineFixedJoint_B.mp4
  6. I think these two options do not work in 2.15.0, I think they have bugs!
  7. A Bug in Unigine Forum 1 March 2022

    Hi Unigine Forum Team, I recorded a new bug video of the forum (Rumble Video Servers) , please fix it https://rumble.com/vw5fky-a-bug-in-unigine-forum-1-march-2022.html
  8. Impostors problem

    I've created impostors for grass and everything went ok but when i'm trying to create impostors for trees it gives me really strange result. I'm using trees from Vegetation pack. I attached the setting that I use to create impostors but changing them didn't help.
  9. FBX import bug

    Hi I found an error importing FBX. To reproduce the error: - select foxhole demo in SDK browser and create project - delete the .cache_textures and .runtimes directories in the created project - delete .cache files - run launch_editor.bat the result is an error: D: /test/foxhole/data/props/vegetation/small_plant/small_plant.FBX: import finished in 129.824000 ms D: /test/foxhole/data/gui/new_gui/test_tooltip_line.FBX (14.4KB): import started ... D: /test/foxhole/data/gui/new_gui/test_tooltip_line.FBX: import finished in 25.269000 ms D: /test/foxhole/data/props/vegetation/bearberry/fbx/bearberry.FBX (48.9KB): import started ... Assertion failed: index <length && index> = 0 && "String :: get (): bad index", file D: \ BA \ work \ 76df3f2b57c5d2d5 \ include \ UnigineString.h, line 70 best regards Aargh
  10. MathLib.Lerp Bug

    Hi Unigine Team, I verified MathLib.Lerp , this function have a bad bug. If the distance from the origin to the destination increases, The shooting point to the destination happens with a fast time interval! this is not correct! While this process should be uniform as a third parameter(speed*Game.Ifps). For example : The starting distance to the destination is 10 meters and the particle travels this distance in 2 seconds For example :The starting distance to the destination is 100 meters and the particle travels this distance in 20 seconds I think this function needs to be reviewed , or at least create another function, according to me, so that missiles and rockets can be designed. Thank you
  11. WorldRotate(vec3) scales object

    Steps: -Add the following component to a primitive box -Use space / enter to trigger WorldRotate using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unigine; [Component(PropertyGuid = "24c7af91cfafa3bcc0f32beb363ad04ec4089b55")] public class BugTester : Component { private void Update() { // write here code to be called before updating each render frame if (Input.IsKeyDown(Input.KEY.SPACE) || Input.IsKeyPressed(Input.KEY.RETURN)) { node.WorldRotate(new vec3(0,0,0.1f)); } Log.Message("rotation " + node.GetRotation()); Log.Message("position " + node.Position); Log.Message("scale " + node.Scale); } } With a Z rotation input vector the cube scales down on X and Y axises until the scale and rotation properties turn into NaN. Unigine Community C# (edit, seems to work the same in C++ version too) WorldRotate.mp4
  12. QWindowsNativeInterface bug on editor initialization

    The log file attached shows that everything is OK till the last messages, which says that 'QWindowsNativeInterface::nativeResourceForWindow: 'handle' requested for null window or window without handle.' Seems like the window handle ptr is null(idk which window, because it pop-up the Help and the Editor window, could be any of both). log.html
  13. I'm attempting to render some lines onto a WidgetSpriteViewport using engine.visualizer.renderLine2D(). The documentation for the visualizer states that it draws it's 2D lines atop everything else. However, when rendering using renderLine2D the lines do not appear on top of any widgets drawn to the system GUI. Is this a bug? Thank you for your time, Andrew
  14. If an object name in an FBX file is something like Base:Stuff:ObjectName then the importer tool will fail the entire file. The issue is that the importer will try to create a directory called "Base:Stuff" and put "ObjectName" in to it. Since Windows paths cannot contain colons this fails. You need to sanitize your inputs before using them to make directories.
  15. Anyone know a sloution?
  16. A bug with the order of events on the stack for GUI ... Gui gui = engine.getGui(); WidgetButton btn1 = new WidgetButton(gui, "Button 1"); btn1.setCallback( GUI_ENTER, "onEnter", 1 ); btn1.setCallback( GUI_LEAVE, "onLeave", 1 ); gui.addChild(btn1); WidgetButton btn2 = new WidgetButton(gui, "Button 2"); btn2.setCallback( GUI_ENTER, "onEnter", 2 ); btn2.setCallback( GUI_LEAVE, "onLeave", 2 ); gui.addChild(btn2); ... void onEnter( int id ) { log.message("onEnter( 'Button %d' )\n", id); } void onLeave( int id ) { log.message("onLeave( 'Button %d' )\n", id); } Please see the result in the attached picture. OrderEvent.rar
  17. When I export my mesh from max it appears fine in engine. When I export as node I get errors saying can't load .mat, can't load .mesh. I have tried all of the different settings in the node export tool with no success...
  18. [WONTFIX] Controlled bug...

    При использовании параметра controlled обнаружилась рассинхронизация мешей. Как с этим бороться? Подробнее на видео. Небольшие коментарии к видео: В самом начале видно что прическа несихронизирована с головой. Может это дефект скина? Но нет... Далее видно, что взяв копии одного и того-же меша (но с разными включенными поверхностями, для наглядности), и связав из через controlled, видим швы, которых быть не должно (меши то идентичные). При увеличении нагрузки на движок (с падением FPS) рассинхронизация усиливается. In-english: When using the controlled param, was found desync meshes. How about it? More details in the video. Small comments to the video: In the beginning, it is seen that hair is not synchronized with the head. Maybe it's defective skin? But no ... Take two copies of the mesh (with different surfaces enabled, for clarity) and linking them through controlled, we see the seams, which should not be (that meshes identical). By increasing the burden on engine (with the fall FPS) desync increases. (18+ only!!!)
  19. Привет, об этом вопросе я уже писал https://developer.unigine.com/forum/topic/1692-error-or-not-event-button-higher-than-the-window/, но решение я так и не нашел. Подскажите, кто сталкивался и смог решить эту проблему. Как сделать так, чтобы не пролетали события у Widget-детей? Как добиться нормального работы WidgetVBox+WidgetSprite, схожей по работе с WidgetWindow? Спасибо. ===================== translation from google ===================== Hi, The question has long been https://developer.unigine.com/forum/topic/1692-error-or-not-event-button-higher-than-the-window/. But the decision, I did not find one. Help. How to make sure not to miss the event Widget-children? How to ensure the normal operation WidgetVBox + WidgetSprite, like WidgetWindow? Thank you.
  20. Hello. Проблема с наследование от MovieClip во Flash. Пример прилагается: Есть клип (movie) к которому подключен класс (_movie) без наследования, в клипе есть несколько кадров, по которым будем переключаться с помощью функции в классе. Если сейчас откомпилировать данный пример во Flash, то ничего работать не будет, обязательно надо в классе (_movie) сделать наследование от extends MovieClip. А вот в Unigine все как раз наоборот, будет работать. Если наследование сделать, то во Flash работать будет хорошо, а в Unigine будет много ошибок. ===================== translation from google ===================== The problem with inheriting from MovieClip in Flash. Example attached: a clip (movie) is connected to the class (_movie) without inheritance, the clip is a few frames, which will switch from using in the classroom. If you now compile this example in Flash, then it will not work, be sure to be in the class (_movie) to inherit from extends MovieClip. But in Unigine is just the opposite will work. If inheritance is done, the Flash will work well, and in Unigine will be a lot of errors. Thank you. flash_mc.zip
  21. Здравствуйте. Проблема с наследованием в классах Flash. Простой пример прилагается. Результаты во Flash и Unigine разные. вкратце: Проблема заключается в обращении из frame к функции (в примере Hide() ), которая имеет одинаковое имя во всех трех классах. Мы вызываем Hide() из FIRST, а срабатывает Hide из SECOND. Проблема исчезнет если убрать у классов наследников наследование от родителя "extends _main". Спасибо. ===================== translation from google ===================== Hello The problem with inheritance in classes Flash. A simple example is attached. Results in Flash and Unigine different. briefly: The problem is to use a function of the from frame (in the example Hide() ), which has the same name in all three classes. We call Hide() from FIRST, and works from Hide SECOND. The problem goes away if you remove the classes of heirs to inherit from parent "extends _main". Thank you. flash.rar
  22. Hello In WidgetFlash very common bug. Understand exactly what it is, I do not know, but there are some assumptions. Interface which I did, works fine in Flash-player, but in Unigine appears this bug. Noticed a mistake on this enigmatic appeal to clone MovieClip in function. For example: create a single cell MovieClip for equipment that handles mouse events contains graphics, icon, properties, parameters and effects. Next, from the cell to collect group of cells, such as inventory or bag, then make a copy of the inventory (or group of cells) eg for shop windows, or other equipment for the NPC. And if we now start some action with a cell from the second inventory, all actions will be reflected in the cell of the first inventory. the example below. Thank you. ===================== translation from google ===================== Здравствуйте. В WidgetFlash очень часто встречается глюк. Понять что его вызывает я не могу, но некоторые предположения есть. Интерфейс который я сделал, отлично работает под Flash-player, а вот в Unigine работать мешает этот глюк. Замечал эту загадочную ошибку на обращение к клонированным MovieClip через функцию. Например: создаем одну ячейку MovieClip для инвентаря, которая обрабатывает события мыши, содержит графику, иконку, свойства, параметры и эффекты. Далее из этой ячейки собираем группу ячеек, например инвентарь или сумку, затем сделать копию этого инвентаря к примеру для витрины магазина, или инвентаря для другого NPC. И если сейчас начать какие-нибудь действия с ячейкой из второго инвентаре, то все действия будут отражаться на ячейке из первого инвентаря. Mini example, the technique that I use: / Мини пример, техника которую использовал я: on stage in the first frame: / на сцене в первом кадре: function itemDrag (mc: MovieClip) { mc.alpha = 60; } MovieClip cell: / MovieClip ячейки: cell.onRollDrag = function () { _root.itemDrag (this); } Спасибо.
  23. Hello I can not understand how it works WidgetFlash :: loadMovie. example: var counter:Number = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip( 'contener', 0 ); onEnterFrame = function() { counter++; if (counter >= 100) { counter = 0; string = 'icons/' + String(Math.round(Math.random() * 17)) + '.png'; contener.loadMovie( string ); trace( string ); } } In Flash, everything works perfectly, Unigine icon is loaded only once, the next load is performed. Thank you.
  24. I'm seeing inconsistent and unexpected behaviour when trying to set variables passed by reference (possibly related to inheritance). See example below: class MyBase { public: void TestSetByReference(int& result) { result = 17; } }; class MyDerived : MyBase { public: void TestSetByReference(int& result) { result = 34; } }; MyBase base = new MyDerived(); MyDerived derived = new MyDerived(); int i = -1; derived.TestSetByReference(i); log.message("derived.TestSetByReference = %d \n",i); i = -1; base.TestSetByReference(i); log.message("base.TestSetByReference = %d \n",i); i = -1; MyBase(base).TestSetByReference(i); log.message("MyBase(base).TestSetByReference = %d \n",i); i = -1; MyBase::TestSetByReference(i); log.message("MyBase::TestSetByReference = %d \n",i); i = -1; MyDerived(base).TestSetByReference(i); log.message("MyDerived(base).TestSetByReference = %d \n",i); i = -1; MyBase(base).TestSetByReference(i); log.message("MyBase(base).TestSetByReference = %d \n",i); // Output: derived.TestSetByReference = 34 base.TestSetByReference = 0 <--- ?? MyBase(base).TestSetByReference = 0 <--- ?? The same call gives a different result below MyBase::TestSetByReference = 17 MyDerived(base).TestSetByReference = 34 MyBase(base).TestSetByReference = 17 <--- ?? Different result, but still wrong Performing the same example except returning by value gives expected results (i.e. result is always 34, except when base class method is explicity called via MyBase:: ) Is this a known bug or limitation?
  25. Hello! Simply as an example: ///////// Example 1 /////////// var arr:Array = new Array(); trace('Len: ' + arr.length); // Print: Len: 0 // Right! ///////// Example 2 /////////// var arr:Array = new Array("one"); trace('Len: ' + arr.length); // Print: Len: 0 // Error! ///////// Example 3 /////////// var arr:Array = new Array("one", "two"); trace('Len: ' + arr.length); // Print: Len: 2 // Right! Thank you.
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