I encountered something weird manipulating BoundingBox with UnigineScript, here's the code part reproducing the problem :
BoundBox bb = node.getBoundBox();
vec3 p1 = bb.getMin();
vec3 p2 = bb.getMax();
engine.visualizer.renderPoint3D(Vec3(p1), 0.1, vec4(1, 0, 0, 0.5), 0);
engine.visualizer.renderPoint3D(Vec3(p2), 0.1, vec4(1, 0, 0, 0.5), 0);
engine.visualizer.renderNodeBoundBox(node, vec4(0, 0, 1, 0.5));
(The code has to be run with engine.visualizer.setEnabled(1); called, and a valid node instance loaded).
The visualizer part shows on my program 2 random points (red ones), not matching with any of the bounding box points (rendered in blue).
The commented line solves the problem if uncommented., so I think the transform matrix of the node is not assigned by default to the bounding box, which might look like a bug.
Thank you.
EDIT : By the way, the setTransform() method is not referenced (but still usable) in the UnigineScript doc.