Hi! I'm Korean Game Programmer.
I want the output without alpha value like File "No alpha value.png" and "Docs.png".
Outputting general videos, I can get the same value as File "No Setting.mp4"(WidgetSpriteVideo)
In case of using functions like SetBlendFunc(Unigine::Gui::BLEND_ONE, Unigine::Gui::BLEND_SRC_ALPHA),
I can get the same value as File "setBlendFunc.mp4".
As for File "setBlendFunc.mp4", it's similar to what I want.
But I'm afraid the blend effect affects the whole video files.
I wonder if there's any proper way to print out with a transparent background instead of black background to make a clean
image like png files.
The origin is attached just in case. (ogv files. origin ogv and alpha channel ogv)
plz help me