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  1. Hi, Using last unigine version in Windows 8.1. In the attached sample (based on menu_box_1) I've only changed labels parent to be in a simple hierarchy: engine_gui->vbox0->gdx_0->(labels) When gdx_0 is added to vbox_0 using another ALIGN_* flag different from OVERLAP the widgets are rendered properly, but in this other case the labels are not rendered but remains interactable. You can easily test it in the code. widgets.zip
  2. We need to play a couple of very short video clips over the top of Unigine scenes. The clips will act as buffers to hide camera cuts and scene changes, so they will be very quick (less than a second in most cases). We have converted slips across to OGV but can't tell if the video transparency has come across, we don't know if there is a setting or flag we need to set to get it to work. Currently the videos have transparency but we can't see that effect. Can anyone help us understand the process or suggest a new process which will allow us to take a video with alpha channel and convert it so when it runs in Unigine we will be able to see the Unigine scene underneath/through the video clip? Thanks in advance. P.
  3. [SOLVED] Unigine::Widgets functions

    Hello! I noticed that some of widgets functions does not exist in Unigine::Widgets. For example, setStencil(int) function, which is described in WidgetGroupBox class, does not exist in Unigine::Widgets::GroupBox class. The same with setBackground(int) function in WidgetEditLine and WidgetEditText. This is a mistake or not?
  4. Hi, Looks like spinbox is not included in Unigine::Widgets, in fact if you add one of them in a ui, the widget is shown but you get the error Unigine::Widgets::UserInterface::UserInterface(): unknown widget type WidgetSpinBox. To reproduce it use the attached file in interface ui_00 sample (it just adds an editline with spinbox) Suggested solution Despite of spinbox doesn't have reflection in Unigine::Widgets, the system can ignore spinbox in the following way: data\core\systems\widgets\widget.h (ln. 139) // ... EDITTEXT = WIDGET_EDITTEXT, SPINBOX = WIDGET_SPINBOX, }; // ... data\core\systems\widgets\widget_interface.h (ln. 101) // ... case EDITLINE: widget = new EditLine(widget); break; case EDITTEXT: widget = new EditText(widget); break; case SPINBOX: widget = NULL; break; default: log.error("Unigine::Widgets::UserInterface::UserInterface(): unknown widget type %s\n",widget.getTypeName()); widget = NULL; } // ... Regards, Iván. ui_00.ui
  5. [SOLVED] Chat - GUI?

    Hello Unigine-Team, i'm implementing at the moment a chat system in our project. Sadly there are no right "Widgets" to use aswell as functionality to post/render a chat-system. In attachment you'll find a screenshot. Problems: 1. Scrollbar: If I got an edittext and put a scrollbox arround it, and say scrollbox is 500 width and edittext 475, the edittext is growing bigger, Why ever. and fits then into a scrollbox. When the "Scrollbox" is activated now, the v and h sliders are getting INTO the frame and not OUTER the frame, which is not useable aswell, cause this triggers automaticly scrollbars. 2. I cant use a GUI element to insert text, that will be right rendered with "HTML" with fonts etc, which would fit in the right width and do an linebreak if needed. Like DIV'S in html. 3. If I take a Label, I cant "copy" the chatted text. 4. I cant check how long the text "would" be after posting, so I can say "after 70 chars split" but if I use "iiiiiii" this is much smaller as a d. 4.1. Please don't say now "attach an label to another widget, arrange it and then check" Summary: Please add following functionality to the WidgetText: - Automatic line break when text width is bigger then widget width. - Make text selectable through the user so he can copy&past it. - Too it would be very usefully to create link-able text. Example: [some Item] -> Tiggers an action that display the item in another widget. Best regards Lars
  6. [SOLVED] Right Click Event

    Hello Unigine-Team, at the moment i'm developing a new GUI for our project. So, like wrote in the title, I need a right click event on widgets. I read the topic: https://developer.unigine.com/forum/topic/933-right-click-callback-from-script/page__hl__right+click__fromsearch__1 But it doesn't help me much. I got a list of "Users" and I want to show a "ContextMenu" by right clicking on a user to handle some actions, the context menu is dynamic for each user. Please provide me an example how I can handle this. Yes I know I could handle it with a "PRESSED" event for a label, and check the mouse type. But really, is this very USABLE to handle? (Sarcasm) I mean, 50 labels, which each is layed down to a callback. And 50 labels, which need to be created, attached, sized, customized whatever. Best regards Lars
  7. Hello Community, i have a little problem, the most is said in the topic-title, but here a little longer explanations: First i want to load a defined gui: engine.gui.addUserInterface ( engine.getGui(), "myGui.ui" ); After this, i do: Gui gui = engine.getGui(); Now my gui is visible. And now my problems begins: I have a Button called "Add a Tab", with this i want to change the myGui.ui, and add a new Tab dynamic to the .ui, of course i want to remove a tab again too, this needs to be dynamlicy, so i could add more then one tab, and remove more then one tab. The second thing is, when i added a dynamic tab, i want to input some buttons into the tab too. (Maybe this both things needs to be added together, i dont know?) I've searched the API and https://developer.unigine.com/docs but i didnt find anything. Is there any point to help me? Maybe someone have a example to me, how to do this? Greetings
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