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Found 10 results

  1. Viewport appearence bug

    When using desktop scaling, view port frame appears incorrectly in Editor GUI. Linux Manjaro, KDE Plasma with 112,5% desktop scaling. Is it possible to fix it somehow without returning to 100% desktop scale?
  2. controlling your new character

    Hello, I am using Unigine for my BA-Thesis work (ongoing)... It's the first time I run my program... I want the cam to move over the shoulder of my character, so I can see her in all her beauty! Is there a corresponding keyboard command (or combination)? Thanks for your help, Rainer
  3. Viewport mask query

    We have a use case where we need to render some set of objects in a viewport and few in a different viewport, like this we require 4 viewports to be created. Is it advisable to just use single viewport and update its viewport mask 4 times every frame and render the 4 frames or its better to create 4 separate viewports with each one with a different mask.
  4. Multiview viewport

    Hello. How to change main viewport image size so I can fit multiple camera views? (Like 3dMax divide screen with 1,2,3,4 views) Viewport class do not set output size, only image dimensions https://developer.unigine.com/en/docs/2.5/api/library/rendering/class.viewport?rlang=cpp&words=viewport#highlight Searching forum I found that I can render to Image/texture and place it above main render window using WidgetSprite , but overlapping render images just waste of performance. how to setup proper multi-camera-view in main view? thanks
  5. I cannot figure out how to render the current window to an Image or ImagePtr object. Does anyone have an example code snipped that works? I have tried doing it with the console command "video_grab" but that isn't fast enough. I've also tried the Viewport object and the Renderer object's API. ImagePtr image = Image::create(); image->create2D(1024, 576, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, 1, 1); PlayerSpectatorPtr player = PlayerSpectator::create(); player->setPosition(Math::Vec3(0, 0, 2.0f)); CameraPtr camera = player->getCamera()->clone(); ViewportPtr viewport = Viewport::create(); Render *render = Unigine::Render::get(); render->setViewport(viewport); image->create2D(1024, 576, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, 1, 1, 1); render->renderImage2D(camera, image, 0); The last line cases a crash of the application. I am using the C++ interface on the 2.5 SDK.
  6. renderNodeImage has background

    Hi, I render a node by the function renderNodeImage2D , but the generated image has the background. The result image is in the attachment. Is there any ways to only render the node image without the background. Kind regards
  7. What steps should be performed to keep the viewport position preserved after window resize. My current implementation is clipping the rendering on the right as visible in attached screenshot.
  8. Hello! I want to view Splash image during the pause of exercise in my simulation. I read that it is impossible to do this with Unigine::Splash Class. So I tried to implement that idea using Viewport::renderImage2D() function. Example of test code: int AppWorldLogic::update() { ImagePtr pSplashImage = Image::create("defaultSplash"); pSplashImage->load("/home/userauto/workspace/TwrSim_Settings/defaultSplash.jpg"); ViewportPtr pSplashViewPort = Viewport::create(); pSplashViewPort->renderImage2D(Game::get()->getPlayer()->getCamera(), pSplashImage); Render::get()->setViewport(pSplashViewPort); return 1; } I think that line of code is working Render::get()->setViewport(pSplashViewPort); Because I see blinks at my screen and fps is going to become very low( 15-20 ). And I see my default viewport that i have set up using SDK browser anyway. Also in log file i have that warning: ImageFile::load(): unknown format of "defaultSplash" file. But it is okay with it. It has .jpg format. What am I doing wrong?
  9. I'm noticing a memory leak every time I make a call to several of the new Viewport::render* calls. These are the functions I've tested and experienced the issue with: void render (Camera camera) void renderImage2D (Camera camera, Image image) void renderImage2D (Camera camera, Image image, int width, int height, int hdr = 0) More details: My application creates a Unigine-Qt window (subclasses Unigine::App), then creates additional rendering windows to show other views (much like the old RenderQt sample which no longer appears to be part of 2.2.1). Each view is updated continuously during the run loop, so every time a paint event is requested, Viewport::render is called (once per additional window). I've recreated the issue by porting the old RenderQt example to 2.2.1 (attached). I've narrowed the leak down to the single Viewport::render call -- with this line in, the program leaks, but when this line is commented, no memory is leaked. I'm building in release/x64/single precision on Windows. Am I forgetting something in order to prevent such leaking? Even more details: In my program (which uses 6 external 1280x800 windows for rendering to projectors), the leak happens rapidly. I assume because I'm rendering fairly large textures (1280x800 x 6), Unigine quickly reaches 15-20+ GB of RAM, then crashes. What's strange is that I only notice this rapid leaking when the Unigine::App is minimized (perhaps because drawing happens faster when the the app is minimized, leading to more rapid Viewport::render calls?). However, in the attached example, I'm noticing leaking no matter if the main app is shown or minimized. Thanks for your help! Kevin RenderQt-viewport.zip
  10. Hi, I have a Unigine::Widgets::Window with a virtual monitor that it's displaying the same image as main viewport. I already done using a WidgetSpriteViewport and the engine.game player. I suspect I'm rendering the same image twice. I wonder if there is another way more efficent to do this. Something similar to image_00 sample but instead of calling engine.render.renderImage2D(), using the already rendered image created by main viewport. Thanks in advance, Iván.
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